Wrapping Up The Week (4th June – 10th June)

I feel like I have been having the best weekend ever. While I haven’t done a tonne of reading this week, I did get hit with an amazing story idea that I have thrown myself into since Friday (which I will discuss later on in the blog post). Not only that, but I’ve also taken some time to watch some TV and just relax a little.

Blogging was a little tough to keep up with this week, with Tuesday being a pain thanks to my laptop taking two hours to update leaving me unable to write my Top Ten post, and just being busy in the evenings. I am hoping to get a schedule in place for next week that means I can do some more blogging.

Books I read and reviewed…

empire of storms

This week I finally got around to finishing and reviewing Empire of Storms, which was just amazing. It was incredible to see everything fall into place, knowing that all of this was set into motion in the first book. I was blown away and I hate that I have to wait so long to find out what happens to them all. At least I have Tower of Dawn still left to read and the Assassin’s Blade, too. There were a few places in the book that seemed a little slow and for this reason I ended up giving it 4 stars, which you can read about here.

I am currently reading…

frozen tides

Still making my way through this, mainly because I’ve been so distracted and NOT because it is boring. The exact opposite really, as I am loving the fourth instalment in the series. I would say I am around 65% of the way through and I feel like a few major incidents have happened. This series is definitely more character driven and I kind of like that. Too much action can get a little boring at times. Fingers crossed I can possibly finish this tomorrow night.

Posts from the week…

WWW Wednesday – Shocking Twists

May Book Haul – Some of My Favourites (Plus a Little Chat About My Writing)

A much quieter week, as mentioned before, but I still feel like I have accomplished a lot. I also went to a convention with work on Wednesday which completely tired me out. I’m surprised I even managed to write a blog post on that day. Who knew socialising would be so tiring?


If you follow my blog you will know that for the last 7/8 months I have been working on a novel called The Lost Heir. Well…I kind of shoved that to the side to make room for a new work in progress that features dragons, and I’m pretty sure it was inspired by the third How To Train Your Dragon trailer. Not that it features any of their story ideas, but it does feature some kick-ass dragons.

I’ve managed to write nearly 5,000 words so far for the first draft, with the first chapter being completed. I have to say that already I feel like this is the book I should be writing. Everything is so clear in my head. I managed to write 900 words for the character descriptions (just so I don’t change things by accident) and even managed to do a rough outline for the first half of the story in 1,400 words. I don’t want to say too much but it involves a race of humans that can turn into dragons called the Dracari, dragon guardians, hunters, blood mages, and lots of politics. I can’t wait for all the drama to unfold. I’m not sure whether it will be a standalone or a duology, but I will find out soon.


And that is all folks! I hope that you managed to read some amazing books this week.

Let me know in the comments how your week went.



Wrapping Up The Week (14th May – 20th May)

Guess who finally caught up on all the reviews she needed to write this week? This girl right here! It feels great to be back up to speed and now I can fully focus on the book I am currently reading. It’s hard to review a book when you’ve read two in-between it and you end up not remembering as much (damn these good books taking up space in my head). It’s fine though because I am all sorted.

This week has been a pretty good one for reading. I am now onto my fifth book of the month and, while I know it’s a little ambitious, I am still aiming for a total of seven. I have 11 days left to do it, but it would mean finishing two books this week and I’m not so sure about that one, especially when I’m not even halfway on my current read.

Books I read and reviewed…

Queen of Shadows review

Rebel Spring review

Gathering Darkness review

All three finally have reviews! I feel like it’s been a great couple of weeks for reading and I hope that it can continue that way for me. All of these books were amazing and left me wanting more of the series, which I will probably finish reading next month for both of them.

I am currently reading…


Finally, I am reading Scythe. I have heard so many amazing things about this book and so far it is living up to my expectations. I think I am just over a third of the way through and it has definitely captured my attention. This world is so unique, with the idea that there is no more death and the only way to die is to be gleaned by a scythe.

It is so interesting to see how people are chosen and why (with a lot of stats), and already we are noticing something odd with a certain group of Scythes that like to do mass gleaning (sounds as horrible as you’d expect). I’m really enjoying reading about the two apprentices of Scythe Faraday, Citra and Rowan. I can’t wait to see what else this book has in store for me.

Posts from the week…

WWW Wednesday – My New Favourite Series

I missed out on this weeks Top Ten Tuesday because I couldn’t think of anything for the topic, but I am looking forward to this weeks one!


For the last couple of weeks I have been saying that I have wanted to start editing again, but the prospect seemed so daunting. My first draft is 100,000 words long and the thought of going through that and trying to sort it out was terrifying. There is so much that needs to be changed and sorted out. However…

I started again on Tuesday this week and wrote nearly 10,000 words altogether. I have no idea why I was worried because now I have started again, I can’t stop! The ideas are forming a lot better and everything fits together nicely. Some chapters and scenes have been cut, and others have been added it, but it is all for the better. With the rate at which I am writing (having a total of 24,000 words on my second draft already) I am hoping to finish it before the end of July if I can.

This story has my heart and I believe in it so much, I just hope that someone else will too.

Other Fun Stuff…


This weekend my boyfriend and I binge-watched the last four episodes of Lucifer, season 3, and it was amazing. Which only makes it a hundred times worse that the show has been cancelled! I can’t tell you how sad that has made me because this show is amazing.

Tom Ellis is brilliant when it comes to playing Lucifer and makes him so loveable. The characters are so diverse, with Latinos and African-Americans, and the writing is incredible with genuine humour that doesn’t seem forced. I just can’t understand why FOX would cancel it, but I know there is a movement on twitter to get it saved (hey, Netflix, check this out!)

Apart from catching up on my TV shows and doing some cleaning, I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary this week.


I hope all you had a great week and spent the weekend doing something enjoyable! Let me know what book you are currently loving (or hating) in the comments.

Wrapping Up The Week (26th March – 1st April)

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you’ve all been stuffing your face with chocolate eggs.

Well, that’s the first quarter of the year over with and it has been a hectic one to say the least. March as a whole was a pretty decent month. My boyfriend and I found a place to live, I finished writing my book (woo!), I also read some amazing books, and work has been getting better ever since I started doing more client work. I am looking forward to all the April will bring, even if it is going to be a very stressful month with the move and making sure everything is sorted. Who knew adulting could be so hard?

The last week has been spent making a list of everything we need to buy and slowly but surely I have been making my way through it all. We have officially finished buying things for the kitchen, I have a sofa in mind to order and the bedroom furniture is on its way. To keep myself calm I have been reading a couple of amazing books that I can’t wait to talk about.

Books I read and reviewed…

siege and storm

I finally got a review up for Siege and Storm after finishing it last week, which you can read here. I really enjoyed the second instalment of this series, seeing the characters develop and the story progress nicely. After the ending I can’t wait to dive into the final book and find out what will happen to Alina and those she cares about.

children of blood and bone

While I haven’t uploaded a review just yet (I’m planning on doing that tomorrow) I finished Children of Blood and Bone, and oh my god, it was the best book I have read so far this year. Everything about this debut was amazing, from the world building to the dialogue, to the fully fleshed out characters. It was action packed from the very beginning and it had me hooked. I wish I had the second book in my hands, especially after reading the ending! Keep your eyes peeled for a review where I get very excited.

I am currently reading…

norse mythology

I am about halfway through Norse Mythology and I have been really enjoying it. When I was younger I used to love reading about Greek mythology, whether it was in YA or text books, and I figured it would be a good idea to find out more about the Norse Gods (considering I only have a bit of knowledge thanks to Marvel). I can’t wait to read the rest of these stories and learn more about our favourites, Thor and Loki.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Incredible Fantasy Worlds

WWW Wednesday – West-African Inspired Fantasy

As I’ve been getting ready and planning for moving house it’s been a bit of a quieter week on all fronts. I still have Monday and Tuesday off from work so hopefully I can plan ahead and get a bit more done.


Even though I haven’t dived straight into the first revision yet, I did manage to do a bit of editing and finally got the first two chapters done, which is a start. There are so many changes I know I need to make and it is quite daunting to me. I don’t know where to start, but I can’t go wrong with taking it page by page. The beginning needs a lot of work (I’m the type that doesn’t really know where my plot is going until the middle) but I can’t wait to start it properly.

Other Fun Stuff…

Can we count buying house stuff as being fun? I mean, I have enjoyed picking out what colours my pillows should be and what size sofa we should get, but it’s been stressful and a lot more work that I would have thought (and money too!).

I did, however, get around to watching…


The Greatest Showman, which was as amazing as I thought it would be. The music was incredible, and the story was so heart warming, with a great message behind it and it was a pleasure to watch! Also, who doesn’t love Hugh Jackman?


And that was my week! A little bit all over the place, but sometimes they are the best. What books did you manage to read this week?

Wrapping Up February ’18 – Time Flies

Well, March really did creep up on me. It’s supposed to be spring time and yet we were just hit with the most snow we’ve seen in the UK in years and I’ve had to work from home for the last three days (not as fun as it sounds when you can’t leave the house at all). The start of the month hasn’t been too great as I am once again ill and haven’t read a book in a couple of days now.

February came and went within the blink of an eye, but it was a busy month so I’m not really surprised. Hard to believe we’ll be over a quarter of the way through the year before we know it and in just over three weeks it’ll be my birthday. That means more book buying (and books being given as gifts).

I have some exciting news about my current WIP…it’s almost finished. I’m currently at 97,000 words (seems like a lot now) and I only have two chapters left to write. TWO! This book is everything to me and I love the characters so much. There is a lot of work to do, some plot holes to fill in, dialogue to flesh out, but I am so excited. I even bought a bottle of Moet & Chandon Rose to celebrate tomorrow night (because I will finish it tomorrow, I just know it). The last time I finished writing a book was a long time ago, maybe 2011/2012. I’m not sure, so it is an amazing feeling to have again. Let’s hope I can get an agent.

Books I Read…

Keeper of the Watch by Kristen L. Jackson

keeper of the watch

The first book I finished in the month was a bit of a disappointment to me. I went into it knowing I didn’t really enjoy the sci-fi genre and I hoped this could change my mind. It didn’t. However, as with everything, there were some good points to it. It had a fast pace, was light hearted and there was some good banter between the characters. Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with this book and that is why I gave it 3 stars. You can read my review here.

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

the hazel wood

I think I expected something a little different when I read the blurb for The Hazel Wood. I expected it to have more parts dedicated to the dark and creepy fairy tales. I wanted more of an atmosphere, but a large part of the plot took place in New York, giving it an urban fantasy feel. I enjoyed the book, but I didn’t connect with the characters or the story they were telling. Overall, this was a 3 star read for me and you can check out all my thoughts here.

Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh

reign of the fallen

I’ve gone on about this book a few times since I read it, but if you didn’t know already, I loved it. Everything about this book was perfect to me and it had everything I love in a dark, YA Fantasy novel. There was action, love, death, and it covered the tough topic of how to deal with grief and the ways in which it can manifest. I was hooked, sinking deeper into the world and I didn’t want to story to end. All in all, this book was more than deserving of 4.5 stars, and you can read my review here.

Between the Blade and the Heart by Amanda Hocking

between the blade and the heart

The final book I read in February was kind of mediocre in terms of writing, but I still found it enjoyable and fun. This book didn’t take itself too seriously and was set within an urban fantasy world with Norse mythology woven into it. Definitely a unique idea that I’m not used to and actually liked. The characters were okay, there was a bit of romance and quite a lot of action. I know there is a second book, and as I gave the first 3 stars, I want to find out how it will end. Check out my full review here.


While I mainly stuck to the TBR list I set myself at the beginning of the month, I did deviate a little and there was a couple of books I didn’t get to. 4 in total isn’t too bad, especially as I’ve been ill twice in a month (so not fun) and I’ve been diving into my writing. Plus, February is a shorter month anyway so fingers crossed March allows me to read more amazing books.

What was the best book that you read in February?

Wrapping Up The Week (12th February – 18th February)

Once you get past January the weeks just seem to fly by! Already we are over halfway through the month and I am halfway through reading all of my TBR list. I’m back to reading two books at the same time to try and speed things up, so I’m hoping it’s going to work!

This week has been a really good one in terms of work, but unfortunately not so much for my writing at the beginning. For some reason my anxiety was spiking, and while I don’t tend to talk too much about this topic online (I keep it to myself), it did affect my creativity. Luckily for me my attitude and outlook was starting to change and I managed to write nearly 3,000 words this weekend. I also received something that I hope will help me to stay organised and it is….The Happiness Planner! It’s gorgeous (as you can see below) and I can’t wait to get using it this week.


I’ve been a little slow when it comes to reading and I think it’s because I’m taking a while to get into the book I’m currently reading, reasons of which I will mention in the following sections.

Books I read and reviewed…

reign of the fallen

I finally got my review up for Reign of the Fallen, which I read last week, and absolutely adored. I’ve been raving about this book a lot on my blog and it deserves every bit of love it has been receiving from the reading community. You can read my review and check out my thoughts here.

I am currently reading…


So, where do I begin? Overall, I’m liking Zenith, even enjoying it in some place, but it’s taken me some time to get into the story. There are flashbacks, different character perspectives, lots of withholding of information and it’s a little slow in places. But there is also some action, humour and likeable characters. I am curious to see where the second half of the book will take me.

between the blade and the heart

I also started Between the Blade and the Heart, which is due to be released on the 22nd of this month so I am trying to read it before then. I’m only 11% of the way through, so I don’t have much of an opinion right now, but I like how different the world is. Fingers crossed I can get a review up by the end of the week.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Incredible Romances

WWW Wednesday – In A Galaxy…

Again, another quiet week and I think it was definitely to do with the mental health issues I had in the week. But fear not! I am much better and raring to go! Especially because I get to use my new planner.


I am currently at almost 84,000 words and I am SO close to reaching the climax of my book (and my amazing plot twist) that I just cannot wait! Only a few more chapters before I get to the gritty stuff. Honestly, I am so excited to get to the editing stage and I can make the changes that have been running around my head. There’s a few plot holes, but I know how to fix them and that’s all that matters.

Other Fun Stuff…

This weekend my boyfriend and I went into town and visited the new restaurant, The Cosy Club, for brunch. It has a 1930s style, as seen in the photos, and it was amazing. Such a cool and interesting restaurant that features some of the history of Lincoln (the city I live in) and the decor is to die for. I love the mix-matched chairs and the vintage flair. Not to mention, the food was amazing too! Of course I had to go for a fry up.

Afterwards we went to a wildlife park, but that is a story for another blog post. Stay tuned!


I hope that the rest of you had an amazing week and got up to some fun stuff at the weekend! Fingers crossed I will be going to see Black Panther next weekend so if you’ve seen it already let me know in the comments.

Wrapping Up The Week (8th January – 14th January)

This week just flew by! It was my first full week back at work, we were launching our new website and I’ve been super busy. It definitely makes the time fly by faster and before we know it, half the month will be gone! I hope you all had a great week as well and are getting back into a routine after Christmas.

The weekend was spent trying to catch up on some sleep, reading and writing. My sister just came back home from Ireland with my dad (she stayed longer than us) and it was great to see him on the Saturday. It’ll be a while until I see him again in May, just before I head off for my holiday, which I am also looking forward to.

I think I mentioned in a previous blog post about trying to read a paperback/hardback book at the same time as a book on my Kindle and I think it’s going pretty well. I managed to finish a novella and am over halfway through my current paperback (its nearly 600 pages, but I’m determined to finish it in the upcoming week).

Books I read and reviewed…

the young queens

As I said above, I read a novella and it was none other than The Young Queens by Kendare Blake, which was only released this week. I flew through it and found myself easily slipping back into the world of Fennbirn and the three sisters. If you loved Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne, I would definitely suggest checking this out! I gave it a solid 5 stars and you can read my review here.

I am currently reading…

I think I underestimated how long it would take me to read Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas, the third instalment in the Throne of Glass series. It is a big book at nearly 600 pages and there is so much information I am finding myself taking the time to soak it all in. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t like it, because I absolutely love it! It’s just taking a while to finish.

This week I also started The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton, which I was approved for on NetGalley. I’m only about 10% of the way through, as I tend to read it just before I go to bed, but it’s really good so far. I love the New Orleans vibe and the beautiful descriptions of the world. Hopefully when I get stuck into it more I have some great things to say about it.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant To Read In 2018 But Didn’t Get To

WWW Wednesday

First Lines Fridays

Well, I managed to stick to my goal of 3 blog posts a week and I’m more than happy with that. In the future I am hoping to come up with some unique blog post ideas that I hope you will enjoy, it’ll just take me time to get it all sorted.


Over the Christmas holidays I didn’t get a lot of writing done as I was spending time with family and I was more than fine with it. So this week I wanted to get back to it and I think it was a successful week.

At my job I have an hour for my lunch and I’m managing to spend all of it typing away on my laptop, working on my novel. Each time, without fail, I write 1,000 words, which is the minimum that I have to reach everyday. So, within the week I wrote over 5,000 words, as some days I wrote a few hundred more, but I took a break yesterday as my brain felt fried. Turns out the day off was what I needed as I’ve written way over 1,000 words today, giving me a total of 59,000.

Fingers crossed I can carry this on in the upcoming week!

Other Fun Stuff…

A visual representation of me trying to think of something fun…although I can’t come up with anything. I’ve literally just been working, reading and writing. I’m also waiting for all my TV shows to come back from the break. So until then, I don’t think there will be a lot in this section.


That was my week in a nutshell. I hope all of you had a successful week of reading and whatever else took place!