Books That Disappointed Me in 2018

Books That Disappointed Me in 2018

I’m getting terrible at this blogging thing but my reason is that I had a migraine for a week and I just about managed to do my regular work, let alone any blogging or writing for myself. Luckily it finally came to an end and I am ready to start doing my 2018 round-up blog posts!

I thought I’d start off with the hardest one for me to write, which is the books that disappointed me in 2018. It’s hard because I don’t want to dislike a book. I always pick one up in the hopes that I fall in love with the characters and the world, but these ones missed the mark for me. However, just because I didn’t like them, doesn’t mean that you didn’t.

If I’ve learnt anything this year it’s that everyone has an opinion, whether it’s good or bad, and we have to accept it. You’ll never see me tagging an author in a bad review on social because that’s just mean and I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me.

So, with that in mind, these are the books that I didn’t enjoy reading as much as I would have liked…

1. Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings


I’m going to start by saying that I like these two authors as people and I often watch Sasha’s YouTube channel. When I heard about their book I was hesitant because I don’t really read sci-fi books. I thought it didn’t like them (which isn’t true because I loved Scythe and Thunderhead) but I did not enjoy Zenith.

I gave it a good go by reading half of it, but I found it boring. I didn’t get why people were raving about it, especially the characters. They were supposed to be these badass girls who killed with no mercy and stole from others, but they couldn’t have been further from it. They were literally telling one another not to swear…but they have no problem attacking people? It didn’t make sense and the world building wasn’t good in my opinion.

It felt like things were just chucked into the story to make it seem like they have this fully developed world, but in reality, it was just confusing when it wasn’t explained and some of it just wasn’t needed. My other issue was to do with how the book read and I think this is because it was written by two authors. It just felt like the flow wasn’t there and you could tell when certain sections were written by one and some by the other, but that’s just how I felt.

I kept this on my ‘reading’ section on Goodreads for months, thinking that I would end up reading it again, but it’s a no from me. Of course, other people love this book. These are just my views, but it’s definitely made me not want to read their books in the future.

2. Furyborn by Claire Legrand


This physically hurts me to add this book to this list because I wanted to love it so much! There was so much hype and I think that was part of the problem. My expectations were so high that once I’d read the first half, my heart sank. I read 250 pages before I realised I wasn’t enjoying it, which should have been evident in that it was taking me weeks to read.

The simple fact is that I just didn’t care. The characters were supposed to be these badass women and they didn’t really come across that way. I couldn’t connect to them, which was my main issue and I think that is because of their personalities. They just seemed bratty in a way. The second was that the two main characters whose POVs the story is told from were so similar that it was hard to differentiate between them. Then there was the fact that the constant switching between POV was so jarring I kept getting pulled from the story.

When it comes to worldbuilding, there were certain aspects I liked and then there were others that I disliked. The magic system was cool, but the history of the world was so confusing that I still don’t know what was going on. I wanted to love this so bad (and it had a gorgeous cover) but it didn’t do it for me and I don’t think I’ll be giving it another go in the future.

3. Sea Witch by Sarah Henning

36502054I actually liked Sea Witch, but my issue was that I was expecting more. The problem I had was that I felt the pacing was slow, which made it seem like I was taking forever to read it and I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

The last quarter of the book was incredible, but it took too long to get to a point where I was invested, especially in the characters. I did read this as an ARC so I’m not sure if anything changed much with the formatting, but I just felt it read awkwardly at times. That is the main reason why this book is on my list, but I did give it 3 stars overall, which you can read about here in my review.

4. The Sisters of the Winter Wood by Rena Rossner

sisters of the winter wood

I was actually given this book to read as an ARC because I thought the premise sounded so unique and I’d never really read a book before that was based on Jewish Mythology. I started off enjoying the book and the direction it was heading in, but I got lost along the way.

I’m pretty sure it was to do with the format of the chapters. One of the siblings was written normally and the other was written in the style of a poem and it kept throwing me. This was also when I was going through a rough reading slump, which could have affected the way I read this book. I did DNF it, but I might come back to it one day as I would like to know how it ends. I just think I have to be in the right mindset for it.

5. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

the hazel wood

The Hazel Wood is my final pick to go on this list and the reason for that is I expected something different than what I got. I thought the majority of this story would be about dark fairytales and creepy forests, but almost half of it was spent in the city and travelling on the road. I wanted more of the fantasy elements, but instead, it felt very contemporary for the first half.

I liked the book and ended up giving it 3 stars in the end, but it wasn’t what I expected. My other issue was the main character, Alice, who I just couldn’t connect with because she was a bit rude and unlikable at times. Overall, it was a good book and if you want to know more, you can read my thoughts in my review here.


I’m really glad that this list isn’t any longer than it is and that three of them were books that I DNF. Like I mentioned in my earlier blog post, ‘Why I’m No Longer Afraid to DNF A Book‘ I don’t see a problem with not finishing a book you aren’t enjoying. After all, there are so many books being released all the time, I’d rather spend my time reading those instead.

Are there any books that disappointed you this year? Let me know in the comments below!

Wrapping Up May -18 – Hitting New Targets

I think I blinked and May just disappeared in an instant. How did it go by so quickly? Probably because the month was jam packed with fun activities, movie trips, lots of editing for my novel, and a tonne of amazing books!

At the beginning of the month I set myself a target of reading 7 books (a lot more than I’m used to) and I am happy to say that I reached it. I only deviated from my TBR once because I was approved for a book on NetGalley, but apart from that I read everything I wanted to.

Books I Read…

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

falling kngdoms

I started off the month by finishing Falling Kingdoms and I was swept away by this incredible story. I was completely hooked by the characters and the world that Rhodes created. A lot of people have talked about this series, mainly good things, and I am so glad that I gave it a chance because it is one of my favourites! As soon as I finished it I went onto buy the next two in the series. I ended up giving this 5 stars, and you can read my review here.

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

queen of shadows

These books are getting so big! I finally went back to reading this series in the month of May and I really enjoyed this instalment. So many amazing things happened and there were some reveals that left me in shock, especially towards the end. Aelin is a complete badass, as always, and I can confirm that my love for Rowan has grown considerably in this book (I knew it would happen eventually). It left me excited to read Empire of Storms, which I am currently reading, and it was so easy to give it 5 stars. You can check out my full review here.

Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

rebel spring

By the time I had finished reading Queen of Shadows, the next two in the Falling Kingdoms series had arrived, so I was pretty certain with what I would be reading next. Once again I was drawn into the story and enjoyed everything that happened. The story definitely starts to develop more in this one and there wasn’t as much action unfortunately. However, we got to learn more about the characters and what means the most to them. You can read my 4 star review here.

Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes

gathering darkness

Well, this series just got kicked up a notch and it was torture not being able to carry on with the series (I hadn’t ordered the next ones at this point). I love how unpredictable the books are and I never really know what is going to happen. There was a lot of character development in Gathering Darkness, with some events happening that changed the lives of a few. We get to see a different side to Magnus and we realise how dangerous Lucia can be. As well as this, there was the introduction of some new characters that are probably going to feature a lot in Frozen Tides. In the end I gave this a solid 5 stars and you can find my review here.

Scythe by Neal Shusterman


May was the month that I finally found a sci-fi book that I fell in love with! Something I have mentioned before is that I don’t tend to read books from this genre, but I took a chance with Scythe and I am so glad that I did. This book is incredible and so unique! I love the ideas behind the world and how everything functions, with the Thunderhead governing the world and the Scythedom deciding how to whittle the population down through gleaning. There are so many twists within the story and unexpected events. I was blown away! One of the easiest 5 star ratings I have ever give, and you can read my thoughts here.

Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody

ace of shades

A last minute approval from NetGalley saw this book make its way into my reading list and I felt very lucky to have been given the chance to read it. Ace of Shades was such an enjoyable read, with great characters and a unique world that is mimicked off of Las Vegas. There are high stakes, a tonne of mystery and plenty of banter between the characters. I was pleasantly surprised by this novel and cannot wait until King of Fools comes out next year. I ended up giving this a solid 4 stars and if you want to know my full thoughts, click here.

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

ruin and rising

And last, but not least, I finished off the Grisha trilogy with Ruin and Rising, which I just finished my review of today. I always hate finishing a series off, but I guess the good thing is that I have two spin-off series to look forward to in the future. Ruin and Rising offered, what I thought, was the perfect ending for the characters and so much happened. There were a couple plot twists that I wasn’t expecting and a lot of heartache for the characters. While this series isn’t the best (I much preferred Bardugo’s writing in The Language of Thorns) it still captured my heart and for that reason I gave this 5 stars, which you can read about here.


There we have it! Turns out every book I read this month was 4 stars and above, which is pretty good going I think. I loved all these books for different reasons and they have made me even more excited for the books I am reading in June.

What was your favourite book that you read in May?

Wrapping Up The Week (30th April – 6th May)

This weekend has been a scorcher here in the UK and unfortunately I am not one of these people that loves the heat. I hate when it’s too hot to do anything, plus, because I’m a redhead I tend to burn anyway. Luckily for me the downstairs of my house (where my bedroom is) stays so cool, which is a contrast to upstairs in my lounge/kitchen where it is about 26 degrees. I’m dying.

However, I did manage to get a load of reviews written this week, finished reading one book and am almost finished with my current read (its taking me a while to get through). I also had three new books get delivered to me which I am super excited to get to, especially one in particular that I have heard a lot about.

Books I read and reviewed…

I finally got around to reviewing two books that I read the week before, the first being The Smoke Thieves. It’s weird how you think about a book differently when you give yourself a few days to think about it. Unfortunately, The Smoke Thieves didn’t make a lasting impression on me and in the end I gave it 3.5 stars, because I still enjoyed it. You can check out my review here.

The second book I reviewed was Nevernight and it is a book I still can’t get over. It was amazing and while I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it was mine. I love the story, the characters, the writing…Everything! You can see why I gave it 4.5 stars here (it would have been five if not for the annotations sometimes interrupting the flow of the story).

falling kngdoms

On Tuesday I finished off Falling Kingdoms and immediately went on to buy Rebel Spring and Gathering Darkness, both of which arrived today (I am slightly annoyed that Gathering Darkness is bigger in height and width than the first two. Turns out it’s the US version of the paperback. But it’s okay because I checked the other three and they are all the US versions too). Falling Kingdoms completely stole my heart and it was an instant five star read for me, which I haven’t gotten around to writing yet. That’s planned for tomorrow. I only wish I had read this series sooner because it is sure to become one of my favourites.

I am currently reading…

queen of shadows

…And currently loving it! So many plot twists and the story just keeps on getting better. I am so glad Rowan is back in it! While I didn’t like him at first (I was firmly on Team Chaol) I have had a change of heart and realise he is perfect. I have 200 pages left (this book is huge) but I am hoping to finish it tomorrow as it is a bank holiday here in the UK. I cannot wait to see how it ends and hopefully move onto Empire of Storms.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Slay a Dragon to Get Early

WWW Wednesday – So Many Books!

Wrapping Up April ’18 – Best Reading Month Ever

Three blog posts plus the two reviews makes it a pretty good week for me, especially with work being so hectic at the moment. I love doing the wrap up posts and reflecting on what I read. I will probably post my May TBR soon, now that I have figured out what books I want to read, so keep your eyes peeled for that.


Just as I was getting back into it, I stop. I blame the amazing books I have been reading, but Monday is the start of the new week and I am determined to start fresh. I think I’m also stalling because the idea of editing my 100k word novel is so daunting and seems like a massive task. I suppose I just need to take it one day at a time. It’s not going to edit itself! I might even start my other story idea just so I am being creative in that sense too. Does anyone else do this?

Other Fun Stuff…

I am still watching Bates Motel with my boyfriend. We are onto season 3 and loving it! We got to the point where I hadn’t seen the episodes and everything just got so good! I am excited to see where the next three seasons take us, although we all know the end game (or at least I do because I saw Psycho).

Something I don’t really mention a lot on the blog is my love of food (I love all cuisines, although Italian and Indian are my favourites) and I just wanted to share the incredible meal we cooked the other day. It was lamb shank with a red wine sauce and the most amazing vegetable rice with potato gratin. It tasted as good as it looks.



I’m hoping that next week I can read a couple of books and be on my way to reading a total of 7 this month. Wish me luck!

I hope you all had a great week of reading and if you’re in the UK I hope you didn’t get burnt in the sun!

Wrapping Up The Week (9th April – 15th April)

How are we already halfway through the month? April is flying by and the countdown to moving house is getting shorter and shorter (5 days!). Unfortunately our internet won’t be sorted out until May 1st, but I am hoping that my data will be enough for me to get a few blog posts up within that time. I want to say I’ve packed up most of my things, but I haven’t. It’s a good thing I still have some time or I might be panicking.

In my last post I mentioned that my laptop had been playing up, freezing and crashing, and coming up with a code that said ‘Critical Process Died’. A bit of investigation on twitter told me that there were loads of people getting the same message which made me think it was a Windows 10 issue. Sure enough, I had another update a couple of days ago and it’s been fine since then. Obviously I was over the moon and managed to pick up with my editing again, something I had been too afraid to do in case my laptop crashed and I lost everything.

Books I read and reviewed…

ash princess

This debut novel is set to release in less than two weeks(for the US), so of course I spent a better part of the week flying through Ash Princess. You can find my full review here, but overall, I really enjoyed this book. There are some similarities between another of my favourite series, Throne of Glass, but there was great character development and the story progressed nicely. I will definitely be grabbing the second one when it comes out, hopefully next year.

I am currently reading…

I am still making my way through Nevernight, a book that is heavier and more descriptive so it is taking time to read, but I am also starting The Smoke Thieves. I was given the chance to read this by Penguin Random House on NetGalley and I am so excited to see what it is all about. Fingers crossed I can finish both of these within the week, maybe even before I move house.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Liked But Will Never Re-Read

WWW Wednesday – Hitting 250 Followers!

I got a lot of engagement this week thanks to these two blog posts and I always find it great to spark up a conversation with my followers about books.


I am cutting so many words in this second draft, but it is much easier to do so than I thought. I want the beginning to be solid and to do that I have to get rid of the boring stuff. My readers need to be entertained and if they’re bored before the good stuff starts, they won’t give it a chance. In total, I re-wrote 2,000 words yesterday (unable to write before then due to laptop problems) and I’m hoping to get another 1,000 done tonight if I can.

Other Fun Stuff…

The weather has been picking up here in the UK and we managed to get out yesterday for a three mile walk in the nearby nature park which was nice and relaxing. Apart from that I have been getting things in order for moving and finding enough bags and boxes to pack up all my stuff. I hope this is the only time I will be moving this year because it is tiring.


My week was fairly uneventful but I hope you all had a great one and read some awesome books!

Wrapping Up The Week (2nd April – 8th April)

I’m going to start this post off by saying that, as of today, I am now an affiliate for the Book Depository, which is something I have wanted to do for a while now. My reasons for doing this are that I hear so many of you saying how my reviews have made you want to read certain books and the Book Depository is one of the best sites to buy them from. Not only are the prices amazing, but there is also free shipping (and who doesn’t love that). It would mean so much to me if you were to use the links on this site to buy what I hope will be your new favourite read.

Apart from that, this week has also been amazing because of the amount of reviews I managed to get up on the blog. I had been falling behind for a little while and now I am caught up with everything. Not only that, but I have also started editing my novel properly again as of yesterday and knocked it out of the park with finishing two chapters off (one was a complete re-write as well).

Books I read and reviewed…

children of blood and bone

Finally, I sat down and wrote my review for Children of Blood and Bone, which you can find here. I still cannot get over how incredible this book was and I am dying to get my hands on the next one. If you haven’t had a chance to read this yet, make sure you add it to your TBR. This is a whirlwind adventure that has heart-pounding action sequences, romance and a great magic system for you to enjoy.

norse mythology

The next book I read and reviewed this week was none other than Norse Mythology. I am a big fan of mythology, mainly Greek, but I wanted to give something different a go. I had never read anything by Neil Gaiman before and was blown away by his storytelling. The tales leapt off the pages and the way it was done made me enjoy them even more. You can read my full review here.

the oracle queen

Lastly, I read The Oracle Queen, which is a novella set in the fantasy world created by Kendare Blake. It tells the story of a Queen driven mad by her visions and locked away to keep everyone safe. But the story isn’t what it seems and I loved getting a chance to find out what really happened. It isn’t the best I have ever read, but it was entertaining enough for me to have read it in one sitting. You can see my review for this book here.

I am currently reading…


I started Nevernight about halfway through the week and am just about a third of the way through. While this isn’t a huge book, the words on the page are smaller than normal and there is so much detail that I am finding myself reading slower to take it in. So far I am loving the characters, especially Mia who is so frank with what she does and says. It is definitely different to most books, with annotations throughout, and a lot more swear words, but I kinda love it for that. I can’t wait to see where the story goes. And there’s a shadow cat. How can I not love that?

ash princess

As well as Nevernight, I also started Ash Princess today, which I received from NetGalley. I’m not far into it, so I can’t say a lot about it, but I am liking the background of the world. We have been introduced to a few of the characters, one being a terrible ruler who I just know I’m going to hate, and a girl who has been tortured and punished most of her life. I’m really looking forward to seeing what this debut novel holds.

Posts from the week…

Wrapping Up March ’18 – The Busiest Month

March Book Haul – Books Make Great Gifts

I took a break from my usual blog posts to give you my wrap ups for March, which was a great month. Coupled with all the reviews I managed to write, I would say that it has been a successful week.


As mentioned above, I have dived back into my edits and I am so glad I have. I can already feel the characters’ voices getting stronger and I am changing little details of their personalities. I want people to be able to relate to them, but I also want my readers to be entertained. Chapter 3 was a tough one as I had to scrap all of it (I didn’t like it in the end) but I managed to introduce a certain character a lot sooner and it’s made me very happy. I want her to have a more prominent role in the story and to do that I have to breathe life into her. She is snarky, sarcastic and loves to make my main male character’s life hell. Their scenes together are some of the best.

So far I have edited over 3,000 words and finished off two chapters out of thirty odd. I still have a long way to go, but I’m heading in the right direction.

Other Fun Stuff…

I guess having a three day work week can count as fun, right? Those three days were busy, but it was also nice to have a little break. The next 11 days are going to be busy as I need to start packing up all my stuff to get ready for the move, so you can count on me having a few early nights.


I hope you all had a great week and enjoyed whatever book you were reading! Let me know in the comments what you finished reading.

March Book Haul – Books Make Great Gifts

For February I was on a book buying ban, and while I was technically finished with it, I still only bought three books myself (mainly because I knew I would be getting some for my birthday). One was a pre-order that I had been waiting a very long time for, and the other two were so I could kick-start a series I had been wanting to read for a while now.

I wish I could have bought more but as I am moving house in less than two weeks all my money had to go to that (still fun though).

My Haul…


The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi


Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody

So far, I have read two of these and I am currently reading Nevernight (which I am loving btw).

Kindle Books…

siege and storm

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

I have been slowly making my way through the books I have on my Kindle, so I haven’t been buying many of them lately. I tend to buy physical copies when they have beautiful covers (I know, I shouldn’t, but I can’t turn down a gorgeous hardcover).

Books From NetGalley…

ash princess

Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian

I was lucky enough to be approved for this debut and I am so excited to read it once I finish my current read.


A relatively small haul, but still one that is full of books that have had amazing reviews. I’m trying to catch up with all the books that I already own and while it may take me a while to get through them all, I know I will one day.

How many books did you buy in March?

Wrapping Up The Week (19th March – 25th March)

This week has been incredible and I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. Not only did I get to celebrate my birthday yesterday, but my boyfriend and I got accepted to rent our first house together and we have started to buy things already. With less than a month until the moving date we have a lot to sort out (and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t stressed, because I am). At the same time as being exciting it is a little nerve wrecking as it’s my first time living without my mum or my boyfriend’s parents (we stayed with them for a bit). Still, I can’t wait to decorate my own place. You can probably expect some home-ware/moving blog posts closer to the date.

My birthday was relaxing and I definitely needed the three day weekend. Luckily we have another long weekend coming up thanks to Good Friday and Easter Monday (thank you bank holidays). Due to the celebrations I haven’t done a lot of reading, but I did get some new books that I can’t wait to read!

Books I read and reviewed…

siege and storm

While I haven’t gotten around to writing a review for this yet, I really enjoyed Siege and Storm, so much so that I was almost tempted to buy the last book (I didn’t because I have too many to read already). But once I read a few more I might treat myself, especially when it’s so cheap on the Kindle. The characters in this story have really captured me and I am excited to find out how it all ends for them.

I am currently reading…

children of blood and bone

I am currently 116 pages in and I am loving it! The writing style is one of my favourites to read, it flows nicely, there’s been some action, mythology, and I’ve been introduced to some great characters. This world is so unique and different from anything else I’ve read. I just know that I am going to love this book if it carries on this way. There’s been a lot of love for Children of Blood and Bone (I mean, it hit number 1 on the NYT Bestsellers list straight away) and I’m excited to see if it lives up to the hype.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books at the Top of My Spring TBR

WWW Wednesday – Fantastical Worlds

It’s My Birthday!

A fairly quiet week due to being so busy with life and such, but I hit my target of three so I’m happy with it.


I’m still on a hiatus from my editing. I know I need to start, and I had planned to, but with my birthday weekend it fell to the side. This week will be different as it will be a lot slower and more relaxed. Plus, with the extra long weekend I will have lots of time to plonk myself down in front of the laptop.

Other Fun Stuff…

Most of you have probably read about what happened for my birthday and how I had my hair dyed, so that’s the majority of my fun stuff. I got around to watching Logan (I cried) and Shadowhunters is FINALLY back on Netflix. The first episode was really good and I can’t wait to watch some more. Even Riverdale had a better episode this week (although Archie and Veronica still annoy the hell out of me).


To sum it all up, this week has been one of my favourites of the whole year so far. I feel happy and blessed to have so many people around me that support and love me. 2018 is gonna be my year, I can feel it.

I hope you all had a great week as well! Let me know what books you got around to reading in the comments below.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books at the Top of My Spring TBR


Top Ten Tuesday was originally hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish and is now over at Jana’s blog, That Artsy Reader Girl.

With the amount of snow we’ve had over the last few weeks it hasn’t really felt like Spring yet, even though it’s supposed to be. I’m still waiting for the flowers to bloom and for the trees to be full with leaves again, but it seems to be a while away now. My favourite season (mainly because I’m a Spring baby) lasts for a few months and I plan on filling it with some amazing books!

1. Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian

ash princess

I was so excited to see that I got accepted to read Ash Princess on NetGalley. It sounds amazing and is definitely one that I want to read before the release date. Hopefully I will love it and then I can tell you all to head out and buy it.

2. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

children of blood and bone

I actually pre-ordered this a while ago and haven’t had the chance to read it yet as I’ve been too into all of Leigh Bardugo’s books (they’re so good!). There is a lot of hype surrounding this book and a lot of love. I just hope that I end up enjoying it as much as others have.

3. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

queen of shadows

As the last book in the series is coming out in October I need to get my ass into gear and finish reading the rest of this series. I loved the first three so much and I really hope the rest are as good. I’ve heard a few people say that they are good, not great, but I’ll have to be the judge of that.

4. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

ruin and rising

After I finish Siege and Storm I’m going to take a little break from the trilogy, but I will definitely be finishing it off during the Spring because I am dying to see what happens with these characters. I love the unique world and Bardugo’s style of writing, so I can’t wait to read more.

5. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


How could I not go on to read the first book of her duology after finishing the Grisha trilogy? Everyone seems to love this book and the characters, and I really felt like I’ve been missing out. No more, I say!

6. A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab

a gathering of shadows

Last year I read A Darker Shade of Magic and I adored it! I had never read anything like it and I have been meaning to carry on with the series since then. With the amount of long weekends I have coming up it is time to get on with the reading. So many people talk about the ending to this trilogy and I feel like I need to know what happens. Soon.

7. Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings


One of my aims for Spring is to finally finish reading Zenith. I haven’t picked it up since the end of February and it is about time that I did. I was over halfway through and I was starting to enjoy it more when I hit a reading slump. It is possible that it influenced my feelings on the book so I’m willing to give it another go.

8. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

norse mythology

Slowly I have become more interested in mythology again and I’m finding myself drawn to Norse mythology. Back at Christmas I ordered this on my Kindle (mainly because it was cheap) and I have decided to add it to my Spring TBR at long last.

9. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas


Having read Throne of Glass, I figured I should give Maas’ other series a go. Again, I’ve heard some amazing things and after watching PeruseProject’s recent YouTube video I decided that it would be sooner rather than later.

10. The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell


I have had this on another TBR list before, but this time I really do want to read it. Like with all the other books on this list I have heard some great things and I know there is another coming out in the series soon.


With my birthday coming up this list might change a little (I know my dad has gotten me a few books) but I am going to try and read them all before we get halfway through the year. Wish me luck! What are you looking forward to reading the most?

WWW Wednesday – Creepy Fairy Tales

WWW Wednesday was originally hosted by A Daily Rhythm, and was taken over by Taking on a World of Words.

This week has been flying by (probably because I had Monday off from work) but I am so glad we are getting closer to the weekend. I plan on getting a lot of reading done and I cannot wait to dig into the next book I want to read.

What Are You Currently Reading?

the hazel wood

By the end of today I will no longer be reading The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert because I have read 83% of it already. Plus, it also comes out tomorrow so I am going to try and get a review up tonight. So far I’ve been enjoying it and once we finally got to the Hazel Wood it really picked up. I’m going to be honest, I thought that the majority of this book would be set within the fairy tale world of Hinterland, when it actual fact our characters spent more time trying to get there. Fortunately, I am loving this book and cannot wait to see what happens in the last section.

What Did You Recently Finish Reading?

keeper of the watch

Unfortunately, Keeper of the Watch was my least favourite read of the year so far and you can see why in more detail within my review here. I know I said I would try and read some more Sci-Fi this year but I kind of regretted reading this book a little as it wasn’t what I expected. There were some good parts though, such as the action and fast pace.

What Do You Think You’ll Read Next?

reign of the fallen

As soon as I received this book in the post I knew I would be picking it up straight away. Not to mention the fact that the Hardback and cover is absolutely beautiful. If you haven’t heard of Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh then you need to check it out. It’s about Necromancers and honestly it just sounds so dark that I know I’m going to love it (or at least I hope I do).


I don’t have another NetGalley approval to read just yet, so I am looking forward to reading a hardback again. What books are you looking to read this week?

Wrapping Up The Week (29th January – 4th February)

I hope everyone has been having a lovely weekend. Lucky for me that my weekend isn’t over just yet as I have tomorrow off due to it being my boyfriend’s birthday. The past seven days seemed to fly by and overall it has been a great week for reading and blogging in general. I am so close to reaching 200 followers now and I find it amazing how many of you love what I write.

So far February has been treating me well and I also started working out again (even though I’ll probably be very sore tomorrow). This year is all about doing things that make me happy and my stress/anxiety levels are so low they are almost nonexistent. I think a lot of that has to do with finding my love of reading, writing and blogging again. A couple years ago I lost that part of me and I am so glad to have it back.

Anyway, time to talk about books…

Books I read and reviewed…


In the beginning of the week I finished The Cruel Prince by Holly Black and I loved it! There’s been so much love for this book and I can finally understand why. It was dark, dangerous and everything a book about the Fae should be. If you need another reason to check it out you should head on over and read my review here. While it wasn’t a straight up 5 star read (I gave it four and a half) I still enjoyed this book thoroughly.

keeper of the watch

For the first time in a while I managed to read a second book in the week! While I didn’t enjoy The Keeper of the Watch as much (and there are many reasons as to why) I still read it quite quickly and enjoyed the action. It is more of a Sci-Fi book, something I said I would read more of this year, but it wasn’t really my cup of tea. Overall, I gave the book 3 stars and you can check out my review here.

I am currently reading…

the hazel wood

I wasn’t sure if I would be able to read The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert before it’s release date on the 8th, but I was approved on NetGalley at the last minute. So far I have read 30% and I am really enjoying it. There have been a lot of questions raised about the characters backstories. I want to know more and cannot wait to get stuck into it later on. If I could get over halfway by the end of today then that would be great!

Posts from the week…

WWW Wednesday – Different Dimensions

Wrapping Up January ’18 – AKA The Longest Month Ever

January Book Haul (I think I bought too many)

My February TBR Pile

Four blog posts in one week is not bad at all! Unfortunately, I missed the Top Ten Tuesday this week as I wasn’t really feeling the topic, but hopefully next week will be different. I love looking back over the month when writing the monthly wrap ups and seeing how much I read (and spent).


For the first time ever I have succeeded in writing at least 1,000 words everyday for the whole week, including the weekends! Actually, yesterday I wrote 1,400 putting my total at 75,000 words. While I haven’t written anything today (yet) I will be putting fingers to keys straight after this blog post. I am so excited because I am getting close to the point where I can introduce my big plot twist and I cannot wait!

Other Fun Stuff…

Why does my whole life revolve around work, writing, reading and blogging? I can’t even say that watching Riverdale every week is fun because I’m not sure I’m enjoying it anymore. Season 1 was so much better and I swear the characters weren’t as annoying (anyone else unable to stand Veronica and Archie?) I’m just looking forward to The 100 and The Originals coming back in April. If only it wasn’t so far away.


I am definitely ready to conquer the rest of February and I hope you all are as well! Let me know in the comments how your week went.