Wrapping Up The Week (14th May – 20th May)

Guess who finally caught up on all the reviews she needed to write this week? This girl right here! It feels great to be back up to speed and now I can fully focus on the book I am currently reading. It’s hard to review a book when you’ve read two in-between it and you end up not remembering as much (damn these good books taking up space in my head). It’s fine though because I am all sorted.

This week has been a pretty good one for reading. I am now onto my fifth book of the month and, while I know it’s a little ambitious, I am still aiming for a total of seven. I have 11 days left to do it, but it would mean finishing two books this week and I’m not so sure about that one, especially when I’m not even halfway on my current read.

Books I read and reviewed…

Queen of Shadows review

Rebel Spring review

Gathering Darkness review

All three finally have reviews! I feel like it’s been a great couple of weeks for reading and I hope that it can continue that way for me. All of these books were amazing and left me wanting more of the series, which I will probably finish reading next month for both of them.

I am currently reading…


Finally, I am reading Scythe. I have heard so many amazing things about this book and so far it is living up to my expectations. I think I am just over a third of the way through and it has definitely captured my attention. This world is so unique, with the idea that there is no more death and the only way to die is to be gleaned by a scythe.

It is so interesting to see how people are chosen and why (with a lot of stats), and already we are noticing something odd with a certain group of Scythes that like to do mass gleaning (sounds as horrible as you’d expect). I’m really enjoying reading about the two apprentices of Scythe Faraday, Citra and Rowan. I can’t wait to see what else this book has in store for me.

Posts from the week…

WWW Wednesday – My New Favourite Series

I missed out on this weeks Top Ten Tuesday because I couldn’t think of anything for the topic, but I am looking forward to this weeks one!


For the last couple of weeks I have been saying that I have wanted to start editing again, but the prospect seemed so daunting. My first draft is 100,000 words long and the thought of going through that and trying to sort it out was terrifying. There is so much that needs to be changed and sorted out. However…

I started again on Tuesday this week and wrote nearly 10,000 words altogether. I have no idea why I was worried because now I have started again, I can’t stop! The ideas are forming a lot better and everything fits together nicely. Some chapters and scenes have been cut, and others have been added it, but it is all for the better. With the rate at which I am writing (having a total of 24,000 words on my second draft already) I am hoping to finish it before the end of July if I can.

This story has my heart and I believe in it so much, I just hope that someone else will too.

Other Fun Stuff…


This weekend my boyfriend and I binge-watched the last four episodes of Lucifer, season 3, and it was amazing. Which only makes it a hundred times worse that the show has been cancelled! I can’t tell you how sad that has made me because this show is amazing.

Tom Ellis is brilliant when it comes to playing Lucifer and makes him so loveable. The characters are so diverse, with Latinos and African-Americans, and the writing is incredible with genuine humour that doesn’t seem forced. I just can’t understand why FOX would cancel it, but I know there is a movement on twitter to get it saved (hey, Netflix, check this out!)

Apart from catching up on my TV shows and doing some cleaning, I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary this week.


I hope all you had a great week and spent the weekend doing something enjoyable! Let me know what book you are currently loving (or hating) in the comments.