About Me


Welcome to my blog, Daydreaming Roux!

The inspiration for the name came from the French word for a redhead, as well as incorporating how I am always stuck in a daydream. Whether that is about the current book I am reading or the world I created for my own books. When I created this blog, I wanted it to become a space where I could share my life and join in with the book blogging community.

A lot has happened since I set this blog up and it has grown tremendously well. At the same time, I have grown a Twitter following where I often post about my writing journey as I work towards the goal of querying an agent. Originally I only posted reviews and book hauls on this blog, but I want it to be more than that. I want to be able to write about my novels, tips and tricks I have learnt when it comes to editing, and possibly sharing my travels as well. It would be great to have you all along for the ride as well!

Maybe one day you will see my name on a novel in a bookstore, stranger things have happened.
