The Best Books I Read in 2018

the best books I read in 2018

How are there only 2 full days left of the year? It always blows my mind when we reach the end of another year and I think about how quickly the days are passing now that I’m getting older.

At the beginning of the year, I set myself a goal to read 50 books, but unfortunately, I have only read 43 (although I hope to make it 44 by the time Monday comes to an end). I hate that I went through a reading slump for three months because if I hadn’t, I would have been able to smash that goal. However, the 43 (44) books I have read this year were mostly amazing and it was so hard to choose my top 10.

Originally I had wanted to put them in order, but it was too difficult. I put my top 5 in the right spots, and the remaining 5 have no order to them because I couldn’t decide. So, here are my favourite reads for 2018!

1. Scythe by Neal Shusterman


If there is one book that I have talked about the most on my blog and my Twitter page, it is Scythe. I cannot even begin to describe my love for this book and the world that Shusterman created. From the very beginning, I was sucked in and I had to keep knowing more. The concept of there being no disease or wars and that people can only die if gleaned by a scythe was so interesting to me and made me wonder if the world would really be a better place.

There are quite a few plot twists that I didn’t expect and when I reached the end, I knew I had to buy the sequel. This was the easiest 5 stars I have ever given a book and it is one that I will surely read again in the future. You can check out my full review here.

2. Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman


I thought it couldn’t get much better than Scythe and I was wrong. Thunderhead took the story to new levels that I didn’t think was even possible. I was on the edge of my seat wanting to turn the pages to find out what would happen. The plot twists were amazing and the character development was incredible.

What I loved the most was finding out more about the Thunderhead and the introduction of new characters who slowly became more important throughout. Even now, thinking about that ending gives me so many mixed emotions; shock, anger, sadness, but most of all excitement. I cannot wait to see how Shusterman will finish off the trilogy. You can check out my review here and if you haven’t read this series, what are you waiting for?

3. The Grisha Verse Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo


I was trying to figure out which of these books I enjoyed the most to add to this list and I thought, why not just add all of them? I feel like I was very late to read these books but I am so glad that I did because they are amazing. The world building is some of the best I have ever read. Everything was crystal clear in my mind, with a Russian influence that is clear but not overbearing and the characters were all so interesting.

Alina is one of my favourite main characters and her growth throughout the trilogy was amazing to watch with her growing into her powers. There’s a debate on whether people prefer the Darkling or Mal, but I love them both for different reasons and the ending of this series is one of my favourites! You can see the reviews for Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising by clicking on the links. This is definitely a series I will read again in the future.

4. Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

sky in the deep

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this to read and I can’t tell you how much I love this debut novel. I have never read a book so quickly. Once I started, I was hooked with the story of family, loyalty and love. It is about overcoming prejudice and the character development was written beautifully. There is so much emotion in this book and I felt everything that the characters went through, which was a lot.

Some of my favourite parts were the action scenes and that is because they were written so well that I forgot about everything else around me. Sky in the Deep is one of those books you could read multiple times and never get bored, so if you have yet to pick it up, head to your nearest bookstore and give it a read. If you need a little more convincing, you can read my full review here.

5. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

an ember in theashes

Unfortunately, I don’t have a review written for this book as it is when I didn’t have a lot of time to blog, but this book was amazing. I had been hearing so many great things about this series, so when the Kindle version went on sale, I had to have it and I devoured it. What I loved was how seamless the dual perspectives were. With some books, it can be jarring to keep switching between voices, but this was written so well. Elias and Laia have such distinct voices and I loved the paths that they took in this first book in the series.

I’ve always been a sucker for books inspired by the Romans, so I knew I was going to like this before I started it. Given that a lot of fantasies are written in the third person, it was really refreshing to read a story told in the first person. I just finished the second book, A Torch Against the Night, which I loved just as much. I advise you to give this series a go if you love action-packed scenes, romance and danger.

6. Vicious by V. E. Schwab


Vicious is the second book I have read by V. E. Schwab and I am so glad that I bought it because it quickly became one of my favourites. Once again, I was in a reading slump and was struggling to find something to capture my attention until this book came along. It only took me a few days to read and I think that is because the pacing of the book is so quick, especially with the timeline jumping, which is something I wasn’t sure of in the beginning but quickly loved.

There is a sense of urgency when you read it and you just want to get to the end to find out what will happen to Victor and Eli. Their rivalry is one of my favourites, where I could see both sides and why they felt the way they did. They are dark, funny and totally badass, which is one of the reasons why I love this book so much. I already have the sequel, Vengeful, on my shelves to read in 2019. I don’t read many adult books, but this has definitely gotten me into the genre, which is more Sci-Fi than Fantasy in my opinion.

7. Circe by Madeline Miller


It may seem a little odd to put a book on this list that I haven’t finished yet, but I’m going to do it because I already love it so much. I absolutely adore Greek mythology and devoured so many YA and Adult books based on it when I was younger. It had been years since I came across one until I saw that Circe was on offer for an incredible £0.99 and I remembered how many people had been praising it on Twitter.

Well, I’m already a third of the way through and I only started it yesterday. I am hooked. Everything about this story is so captivating, but the voice is what’s drawn me in. The story-telling is amazing and the story of Circe is so heart-breaking that I feel everything with her. As someone who has at one time or another been an outsider, I can relate to her so much. Circe is actually a goddess that I haven’t heard much about before, which I think is one of the reasons I love it so much. Of course, we see the other famous Gods and Goddesses, but I love learning about the ones I didn’t know of before. I can’t wait to read this book and finish her story.

8. A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas

a court of series

2018 was the year I finally read A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, and A Court of Wings and Ruin, so it only makes sense that I add them all on here because I loved them. I read all three in the months that I took a hiatus from blogging while I dealt with being made redundant at my job. I absolutely flew through the first book and loved the parallels between Beauty and the Beast. Like most people probably did, I fell in love with Tamlin and swooned at how he cared for Feyre, so you can imagine my surprise at the events that took place in the two sequels. My emotions were all over the place with this series and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The characters were so intriguing and the growth that most of them went through hooked me, especially Feyre. From the beginning to the events of the third book, I watched her grow into this amazing woman who could do anything. I also realised why people like Rhys as a character, although I still held onto the Tamlin from the first book. I won’t lie, it took me a while to get through the second and third book as I was in the middle of a slump, but I enjoyed them. I definitely feel like this is a series I will have to re-read in the future to get all the details.

9. The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo


If you want to know how much I loved this book, I read it all within a day. I sat down in the morning and I didn’t move anywhere until the late afternoon when I finally shut the book. This collection of stories and fairy tales from the Grisha Verse was the first thing I read from Leigh Bardguo before diving in the Grisha Trilogy that I mentioned above. The writing in it was the most beautiful I had ever read. Everything about it took my breath away and it was one of those books where I held it to my chest when I finished, feeling so grateful I got to read those words.

It’s hard to choose a favourite story when there are six to choose from, each one dark and twisted, but filled with emotion. One of my favourite parts of this book was the illustrations. At the beginning of each story they would start in the corner and as the pages were turned they would keep growing until you reached the full-page image at the end. As an artist, I could appreciate the detail and beauty of each one and how they brought the story to life. If you haven’t read this book yet, you need to, because it is amazing. You can see my full review here.

10. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

children of blood and bone

There was a lot of hype surrounding this debut novel, which always makes me nervous because sometimes it doesn’t live up to it. However, I didn’t have that problem with Children of Blood and Bone because it was an incredible story and debut novel. I had never read a story based on West African mythology before and I was hooked from the beginning. There is so much detail and action on the pages that I wanted to soak in, but the information never felt like it was overwhelming me, which can sometimes happen with books.

One of the parts I loved the most was the magic system and how intricate it was, as well as being so unique. The adventure that Zelie and the other characters go on is so thrilling, showing how they are growing along the way and discovering new things about themselves. I love this story so much that when a chance came up to meet Tomi Adeyemi, I took it and it was amazing to hear how she came up with the story, as well as her process for writing it. The talk inspired me so much to keep going with my own writing and I will always be thankful for that. If you’d like to see my full review, you can read it here.


There were so many books that I enjoyed in 2018 that I wish could have been on the list, but I didn’t want it to go on forever. Did you manage to read any of these this year?

Let me know your all-time favourite book for 2018 in the comments below!

March Book Haul – Books Make Great Gifts

For February I was on a book buying ban, and while I was technically finished with it, I still only bought three books myself (mainly because I knew I would be getting some for my birthday). One was a pre-order that I had been waiting a very long time for, and the other two were so I could kick-start a series I had been wanting to read for a while now.

I wish I could have bought more but as I am moving house in less than two weeks all my money had to go to that (still fun though).

My Haul…


The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi


Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody

So far, I have read two of these and I am currently reading Nevernight (which I am loving btw).

Kindle Books…

siege and storm

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

I have been slowly making my way through the books I have on my Kindle, so I haven’t been buying many of them lately. I tend to buy physical copies when they have beautiful covers (I know, I shouldn’t, but I can’t turn down a gorgeous hardcover).

Books From NetGalley…

ash princess

Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian

I was lucky enough to be approved for this debut and I am so excited to read it once I finish my current read.


A relatively small haul, but still one that is full of books that have had amazing reviews. I’m trying to catch up with all the books that I already own and while it may take me a while to get through them all, I know I will one day.

How many books did you buy in March?

Wrapping Up January ’18 – AKA the Longest Month Ever

I have never been happier to see February because honestly, January seemed like it would last forever. It’s always a tougher month because you have longer to wait until payday, but a lot happened, especially with work which has just been getting better and better. I’m almost at the two month mark now and I am loving it there. When you can get up and enjoy going to work, you know you’ve found a great job.

In terms of my WIP, it’s been a pretty great month with a total of 22,000 words being written. While it may not seem a lot, I’m really happy with that and I managed to stick to my 1,000 words a day during the week. On the weekends I seemed to write a lot less and sometimes not even at all, but with my week being so full I just needed the break at times. For the month of February I’m looking to change that and to write 1,000 every day. Maybe if I do that I will have completed my first draft by March.

Overall, January was a great month for reading for me and below you can see the books that I read (quite a few from debut authors as well).

Books I Read…

Keeper by Kim Chance


The first book I read of 2018 was a NetGalley approval for debut author Kim Chance and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. Keeper was fun, entertaining and fast paced, always keeping me turning the page. The characters were extremely likeable, even if they were a little young compared to what I’m used to reading (and writing). I rated Keeper a solid 4 stars and you can check out my review here

The Young Queens by Kendare Blake

the young queens

Last year I read Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne, so of course I was going to read the Novella, The Young Queens. It was wonderful to learn more of the backstory, featuring the mother of the Queens and seeing how they grew up in their respective homes. While you don’t necessarily have to read this, it does provide you with a little more insight. And because I loved it so much I gave The Young Queens 5 stars. Check out more of my thoughts in my review here. 

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas


Slowly, but surely, I have been making my way through the Throne of Glass series and I have been loving it! Honestly, I think that it is one of my favourite series of all time and I still have three books left to read (four if you count the final instalment coming out this year). It just seems that each book gets better and I can’t wait to dive into the series again in February. Of course, I had to give Heir of Fire 5 stars and you can check out my full review here

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

the belles

Thank god I got accepted for this on NetGalley because The Belles is a gem of a book. Words cannot describe how much I adored this debut novel and I urge everyone to head out and buy this book when the release date arrives. The descriptive writing blew me away and the dark undertones to the story added so much depth. If you would like to see why I rated this book a solid 5 stars, then click here to read more.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black


What a book to end the month on! The Cruel Prince was deliciously dark and intriguing, with so many plot twists that I never saw coming. I was going to wait to buy this but when the hardback came down to half price I couldn’t resist and I’m glad I didn’t. I had never read any of Holly Black’s books before, but I want to read more of them, especially if they include evil and dangerous Faeries. I rated this 4.5 stars and you will find my review here


Since I started this blog, January has been my best month for reading and although 5 books may not seem a lot to others, it’s a big deal for me. Especially when I’m busying working, writing and trying to have some kind of life (not much of one, but oh well). If every month was like this then I am on track to reaching my Goodreads goal of 50 books early!

What were some of the best books that you read in January?