Switching It Up


I’ve been thinking about my blog a lot lately and how I’ve been terrible at creating posts. I think the reason for this is that I’m in a funk with it and I have so much more to talk about than just reviewing books, as much as I love doing that! For this reason, I think my blog needs a little shake up to make things interesting again.

I have an amazing amount of followers so far and I am so grateful to you all. I will still be posting reviews and hosting blog tours when I am participating, but I also wanted to post about my life in general. Daydreaming Roux should be about more than just books, it should be about my world and everything that goes on in it. This will mean featuring a gallery where I can post my artwork and writing posts about my own writing journey. Because those things are a big part of my life too.

Hopefully you’ll all enjoy the change, which might come along with a little update to how the blog looks when I have the time. I started a new job about a month ago now after giving freelance a try. It turns out I prefer knowing how much money I’m going to get each month but luckily I have an amazing content writing job for a marketing company. Since then I have been less stressed and now that I’m in a routine again I think it’s a good idea to start blogging more regularly. To tell you the truth, I’ve missed it a lot, especially the community of the book blogging world.

I will try to post a few times a week but if you’d like to know more about what I have to say and what I’m up to, why not give me a follow on Twitter or Instagram? You can find the links along the sidebar of my blog and it would be great to connect with more people on there too! Again, I’m so sorry for disappearing while my life was a little all over the place, but I am determined to make a comeback and hopefully reach 500 followers soon!


Wrapping Up The Week (30th April – 6th May)

This weekend has been a scorcher here in the UK and unfortunately I am not one of these people that loves the heat. I hate when it’s too hot to do anything, plus, because I’m a redhead I tend to burn anyway. Luckily for me the downstairs of my house (where my bedroom is) stays so cool, which is a contrast to upstairs in my lounge/kitchen where it is about 26 degrees. I’m dying.

However, I did manage to get a load of reviews written this week, finished reading one book and am almost finished with my current read (its taking me a while to get through). I also had three new books get delivered to me which I am super excited to get to, especially one in particular that I have heard a lot about.

Books I read and reviewed…

I finally got around to reviewing two books that I read the week before, the first being The Smoke Thieves. It’s weird how you think about a book differently when you give yourself a few days to think about it. Unfortunately, The Smoke Thieves didn’t make a lasting impression on me and in the end I gave it 3.5 stars, because I still enjoyed it. You can check out my review here.

The second book I reviewed was Nevernight and it is a book I still can’t get over. It was amazing and while I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it was mine. I love the story, the characters, the writing…Everything! You can see why I gave it 4.5 stars here (it would have been five if not for the annotations sometimes interrupting the flow of the story).

falling kngdoms

On Tuesday I finished off Falling Kingdoms and immediately went on to buy Rebel Spring and Gathering Darkness, both of which arrived today (I am slightly annoyed that Gathering Darkness is bigger in height and width than the first two. Turns out it’s the US version of the paperback. But it’s okay because I checked the other three and they are all the US versions too). Falling Kingdoms completely stole my heart and it was an instant five star read for me, which I haven’t gotten around to writing yet. That’s planned for tomorrow. I only wish I had read this series sooner because it is sure to become one of my favourites.

I am currently reading…

queen of shadows

…And currently loving it! So many plot twists and the story just keeps on getting better. I am so glad Rowan is back in it! While I didn’t like him at first (I was firmly on Team Chaol) I have had a change of heart and realise he is perfect. I have 200 pages left (this book is huge) but I am hoping to finish it tomorrow as it is a bank holiday here in the UK. I cannot wait to see how it ends and hopefully move onto Empire of Storms.

Posts from the week…

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Slay a Dragon to Get Early

WWW Wednesday – So Many Books!

Wrapping Up April ’18 – Best Reading Month Ever

Three blog posts plus the two reviews makes it a pretty good week for me, especially with work being so hectic at the moment. I love doing the wrap up posts and reflecting on what I read. I will probably post my May TBR soon, now that I have figured out what books I want to read, so keep your eyes peeled for that.


Just as I was getting back into it, I stop. I blame the amazing books I have been reading, but Monday is the start of the new week and I am determined to start fresh. I think I’m also stalling because the idea of editing my 100k word novel is so daunting and seems like a massive task. I suppose I just need to take it one day at a time. It’s not going to edit itself! I might even start my other story idea just so I am being creative in that sense too. Does anyone else do this?

Other Fun Stuff…

I am still watching Bates Motel with my boyfriend. We are onto season 3 and loving it! We got to the point where I hadn’t seen the episodes and everything just got so good! I am excited to see where the next three seasons take us, although we all know the end game (or at least I do because I saw Psycho).

Something I don’t really mention a lot on the blog is my love of food (I love all cuisines, although Italian and Indian are my favourites) and I just wanted to share the incredible meal we cooked the other day. It was lamb shank with a red wine sauce and the most amazing vegetable rice with potato gratin. It tasted as good as it looks.



I’m hoping that next week I can read a couple of books and be on my way to reading a total of 7 this month. Wish me luck!

I hope you all had a great week of reading and if you’re in the UK I hope you didn’t get burnt in the sun!