Top Ten Tuesday: Books Series I Am Looking Forward to Reading/Finishing


Top Ten Tuesday was originally hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish and is now over at Jana’s blog, That Artsy Reader Girl.

I love freebie week, so of course I wanted to talk about book series! While I like a good stand alone novel, the series are where it’s at. I love going on an adventure with the characters and exploring new worlds. I just hate when it all has to come to an end. For this list I have chosen books that I have either started reading and still need to finish, or series that I am looking forward to starting.

1. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass

I am near enough halfway through this series and I am going to try my best to read the rest before the final book comes out later on this year. I can’t wait to dive back into it and find out what will happen to the characters that I love.

2. A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab

A Darker Shade Of Magic

I have only read the first book so far, but I have the second one ready and waiting on my book shelf. I will be aiming to read the last two this year as I have heard that they only get better, especially with the last one. I will probably end up reading more of Schwab’s work because she is amazing.

3. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

shadow and bone

After having read the first and the second book in this series, I am just waiting to get paid so I can finally read the last in this trilogy. After the ending in the second one I can’t wait to find out what happens to everyone and what the fate of Ravka will be. Plus, once I do I can then move on to Six of Crows (which I am most excited about).

4. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

children of blood and bone

As this book is my favourite of 2018 so far, it is only right that I be so excited about reading the rest in the trilogy. This world is so rich and magical, the characters feel so real, and the conflicts are some of the best I’ve read. 2019 seems a while away, but I can’t wait for more of Adeyemi’s writing.

5. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake


Can the next book just come out already! I am dying to find out what happens to the three queens, especially after what happened in One Dark Throne. I am so invested in this story, I have bought all the novellas just to keep me going until Two Dark Reigns comes out. I just hope it is worth the wait.

6. The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

the belles

I’m not sure how many books Clayton will end up doing set within this world, but I know for definite that there is another book after The Belles. I can’t wait to see more of this dark, whimsical and fantasical world, as well as the characters who are so conflicted. Fingers crossed it is as good as this was, because I loved it.

7. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black


Already there are ARCs of The Wicked King out in the world and I want one so badly! I am going to be insanely jealous of anyone who gets the chance to read it, whereas I have to wait until next January (curls into a ball and cries). Everyone should read this series, it’s amazing.

8. Scythe by Neal Shusterman


I have heard so much about this book (as well as the sequel) and I am so tempted to buy it. I watch Peruseproject (aka Regan) and she has read them recently and is getting her boyfriend to read them now as well. I feel like I am missing out so I need to catch up.

9. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

falling kngdoms

Again, another series I have heard Regan talk about a lot on her channel and I even have the first book on my shelf. The only thing that has stopped me from reading it is that I know that if I love it, I will want the others. With six in the series (which is now complete, I think) I need to be able to afford them all at once if I love it and want to read them one after the other.

10. Furyborn by Claire Legrand


A debut novel and the first in a series that I am so excited to read. I pre-ordered this bad boy, which comes out in June, and it still seems so far away, I just need it now. I follow the author on social media and every time I see little bits of information I just get more excited. If you haven’t heard about this book then you need to check it out.


And that is my complete list. Of course, there are lots of other books I am looking forward to reading but I would be here all day if I were to list them.

What series are you looking forward to reading the most?

Review: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

children of blood and bone

Title: Children of Blood and Bone

Author: Tomi Adeyemi

Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books

Date: 8th March 2018

Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide

It isn’t often that I buy into the hype of new books. It can be dangerous because sometimes they can let you down and not be as good as you would have hoped. That wasn’t the case for Children of Blood and Bone. This debut fantasy novel was everything I hoped it would be and more. Words can’t even describe how much I adored this book. I soaked in every detail, every page that was full of action and I have to say that it is probably the best book I have read so far this year. It isn’t often that a book goes straight into the number one spot on the NYT bestseller list.

There was once a time when magic flowed freely through the Maji in Orisha, when the ten clans wielded their powers and thrived. Then one day, the magic disappeared altogether. They were left defenceless and slaughtered by the King, wiping out all traces of their heritage. Zelie was left alone with her father and brother when their mother was killed for them to see. All hope was lost as the people kept to themselves, especially the Maji with their white hair. By chance, Zelie comes across a rogue princess who just might hold the key to bringing magic back to Orisha, and so they embark on a dangerous quest to restore it. They must outrun the prince who is hot on their trail and hell bent on following the King’s orders, before time runs out.

The world that Adeyemi has created is one of a kind, inspired by West African mythology, and the history is explained in so much detail that I felt as if I was there with the characters. The information was weaved into the story effortlessly and I never felt that I was in overload. When it comes to writing a story that is intriguing, captivating and fast paced, Tomi Adeyemi has it down to a tee. I don’t think I’ve ever flown through a book of this size so quickly (it isn’t a small book by any means with over 500 pages). And I can’t forget to mention how incredible the magic system was, and unique as well. I loved how there were different types of magic that people could specialise in as well.

Some of the history in the book is heartbreaking, especially when it comes to the slaughtering of the Maji and it has echoes of what happened in real life to African people, as well as the oppression that is still happening in the world. We are made to feel every emotion in this book and I was kept on the edge of my seat, waiting to find out if our characters were successful in their bid to restore magic.

All of the characters that feature in this book were fully fleshed out, as though they could step out of the pages and into real life. I laughed with them during the dialogue, I rolled my eyes at some of their actions and I was cheering them on. Zelie was a wonderfully strong protagonist, a fierce warrior guided by her emotions and someone I was rooting for. You could really see her growing throughout the book, learning about magic, and it was great to read about her relationships. Amari, our rogue princess, was just as great and quite a surprise later on. She really grew into herself and showed that we all have courage within us. While Amari and Zelie’s relationship was a little rocky to begin with, it was great to see the friendship blossom.

I can’t forget about the villain of the story, the King who was cruel, vindictive and awful to the people of Orisha. His son, Inan, was a tough one for me. You want to hate him, but at the same time you can’t seem to. Something I loved was the way the perspectives of the story switched between Zelie, Amari and Inan. It provided me with so much more information than I would have had if there was just one main character.

I still can’t get over this book and it’s been nearly a week since I finished reading it. I need more of this incredible world and the amazing cast of characters, especially after that ending. I have a feeling there is so much more to explore and more adventures to be had. If you are looking for a YA Fantasy story that is full of action and magic, then this is the story for you. The easiest five stars I have ever given out.


Review: A Darker Shade Of Magic

A Darker Shade Of Magic

Title: A Darker Shade Of Magic

Author: V. E. Schwab

Date: February 27th 2015

Publisher: Titan Books

I first heard about this book while watching one of Peruse Projects videos on YouTube where she spoke about her favourite fantasy books. After doing a bit of research and checking out a few reviews (with no spoilers of course) I made a note to buy it and I am so glad I got to read this. A Darker Shade Of Magic is so unique and different, I haven’t read anything quite like it before and the characters are perfect. I can already feel that the rest of the trilogy will be just as good.

Kell is an Antari, one of the last remaining with an ability to travel between multiple worlds; Red London, White London, Grey London, but never Black London. No one has been there for quite some time since it collapsed. Raised in Red London, a world abundant with magic, he travels to all the London’s, acting as an ambassador for the royal family. But he has a dangerous habit of transporting relics from one world to the other, the price of giving information to those who want to know about magic. He thought it was harmless until something falls into his possession that puts him in grave danger. Looking to escape he flees to Grey London, a world without magic. There he meets Lila, a poor and cunning thief, and they set out on a dangerous journey to save their world.

Schwab is a wonderful writer, creating a world that is so vivid and colourful, I could easily conjure up the images in my mind. Creating the four London’s and making them seem believable isn’t something that everyone can do and I believed every word of it. I wanted it to be real and I wanted to be like Kell, able to travel between them whenever he wants. Fantasy is quickly becoming one of my favourite genres and A Darker Shade Of Magic is my favourite so far. It was dark, magical and fast paced. I was finding myself not wanting to stop reading and having short chapters makes it so easy to read more.

Onto the characters, starting with Kell. How could I not like him? He is complicated, having been raised by people who aren’t his actual parents and having to pretend to be something that he necessarily isn’t. He has so many layers to him, much like his magical coat that seems to always be changing, and I think there is more to explore with him in the next two books. I would even say that he surprised me at some points in the novel, especially when it came to Lila. I think I liked her even a little bit more than Kell, only because she is so badass and witty. A cross-dressing girl who wants to become a pirate and see the world, but she is stuck being a thief, stealing from those who have always had more. She is stubborn and funny, and very cutthroat.

Then there are the supporting characters, all of whom are just as developed as our main two. We have Rhy, the Crown Prince who is a dangerous flirt and full of character. He always had me smiling as I read his encounters with Kell. There was Holland, the only other Antari that Kell knew, and who was the most complicated character of all. You would never know where he stood on certain matters and it often seemed he did things he might not have wanted to. The evil twins who rule over White London, causing mayhem and ruining the lives of those who don’t agree with them were awful. Schwab created characters that I cared about and wanted to root for!

A Darker Shade Of Magic has everything a fantasy lover could want. Interesting and unique characters, incredible story writing that captivates you and multiple worlds you’ll want know more about. For me, personally, this was a five-star read, so that is what I am going to give it. I cannot wait to pick up the next instalment and see what journeys they go on next.


First Lines Fridays #3


I cannot tell you how glad I am that it’s Friday and the weekend is upon us! I’ve spent all week searching for jobs and my brain is fried, hence why there have been no reviews up. I haven’t had a lot of time to read and my own writing has been taking up all my spare time. Also, my dad is over from Ireland for the weekend so I’m looking forward to spending some time with him and heading out to Sherwood Forest tomorrow (expect a post on that little trip soon).

Time for First Lines Fridays! I’ve really been enjoying these as I tend to read the book after it is featured.

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines? It’s pretty simple really, the rules go like this…

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be your current read or on your TBR) and open to the first page
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first
  • Finally… reveal the book!

So here are the lines from the book I have chosen…

“The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice.

I’d been monitoring the parameters of the thicket for an hour, and my vantage point in the crook of a tree branch had turned useless. The gusting wind blew thick flurries to sweep away my tracks, but buried along with them any signs of potential quarry.”

First Thoughts

I love it when books start out with descriptions like these, and I especially love when it’s set in Winter, my second favourite series. I’m already wondering why the main character is in the forest, what are they looking for? Food perhaps? Why go out in the snow? Already the scene is set and I can vividly picture this person hunting something.

And the book is…


Feyre’s survival rests upon her ability to hunt and kill – the forest where she lives is a cold, bleak place in the long winter months. So when she spots a deer in the forest being pursued by a wolf, she cannot resist fighting it for the flesh. But to do so, she must kill the predator and killing something so precious comes at a price …

Dragged to a magical kingdom for the murder of a faerie, Feyre discovers that her captor, his face obscured by a jewelled mask, is hiding far more than his piercing green eyes would suggest. Feyre’s presence at the court is closely guarded, and as she begins to learn why, her feelings for him turn from hostility to passion and the faerie lands become an even more dangerous place. Feyre must fight to break an ancient curse, or she will lose him forever.


This is definitely on my TBR list after I read Throne of Glass so I have borrowed it from my sister (although we all know I will end up buying the series myself just to keep collecting). Would the first few lines make you want to read it?

What Are You Reading Wednesday #1


I saw this on The Introverted Bookworm and just had to join in. What Are You Reading Wednesday was created by RhiannaMarissa, and Kendall. The idea of What Are You Reading Wednesday is to create an online space for bookworms to chat, discuss and recommend their current reads. All you have to do is answer a few questions and link up with one of the host’s sites. So easy!


Share the book/s you are reading with their author, maybe even the cover, and then answer these questions for at least one of them

  1. Why did you decide to pick up this book–cover or content?
  2. Who is your favourite character so far, and why?
  3. Will you finish this one?
  4. Finish the sentence: This book reminds me of…(other books, movies, tv shows…)
  5. What type of read is this one? (slow but interesting, cannot put it down…)

My Current Read

A Darker Shade Of Magic

Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black.

Kell was raised in Arnes—Red London—and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, travelling between the frequent bloody regime changes in White London and the court of George III in the dullest of Londons, the one without any magic left to see.

Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they’ll never see. It’s a defiant hobby with dangerous consequences, which Kell is now seeing firsthand.

After an exchange goes awry, Kell escapes to Grey London and runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She first robs him, then saves him from a deadly enemy, and finally forces Kell to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure.

Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they’ll first need to stay alive.

1. Why did you decide to pick up this book – cover or content? 

I actually picked up this book after watching one of Peruse Project’s videos on YouTube, where she talked about some of her favourite fantasy books. After reading a little more about the book I just knew it would be one that I’d love.

2. Who is your favourite character so far, and why? 

I would have to say Kell (the main character), although Lila is a close second. He’s very intriguing to me and the fact that he is one of the only Antari left makes him unique. I feel that he is only going to become more complex as the book goes on and he is a definite risk taker. Some of his decisions have already got him into trouble and I can only imagine what else will happen.

3. Will you finish this one?

One hundred percent yes and I will definitely have to go out and buy the rest of the trilogy.

4. Finish the sentence: This book reminds me of…(other books, movies, tv shows…)

I feel like this is such a difficult question because in all honesty I’ve never read anything like it. With the magic, it is elemental magic and there are lots of books where characters can wield the elements such as the House Of Night series. Apart from that, it doesn’t mind me of anything else I’ve read or seen.

5. What type of read is this one? (slow but interesting, cannot put it down…)

In one word, captivating. From starting this book I haven’t wanted to stop reading and I want to know more about the worlds. It is so intriguing and magical, yet dark. If I had all the time in the world I could read this in one sitting.


I have really enjoyed answering these questions and I think this will be something I take part in every Wednesday. What book are you currently reading?#whatareyoureadingwednesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Who Would Make Badass Leaders

toptentuesday (1)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly event hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This weeks topic is in honour of election day in the USA, so it’s time to feature characters that would make great leaders!

This one really got me thinking and I decided to choose the top 10 that I think, due to their badass natures, would make great leaders. These are people that I would willingly follow into anything! A burning building, an epic battle or even into IKEA to go furniture shopping. They are all characters who are tough, strong, witty and don’t let anything faze them.

1. Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass

I couldn’t not have her in my top 10 after recently reading Throne of Glass. Who wouldn’t want an assassin to be on their side? Not only is she skilled in weapons, but she is incredibly witty and you just know you would have a great time with her causing chaos.

2. Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy


One of my favourite characters from one of my favourite series, Rose is a must when it comes to badass leaders. She is a kickass Dhampir who doesn’t put up with those who don’t respect her and she is fierce when it comes to protecting those she loves.

3. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games


This girl needs no introduction at all. Strong, independent and willing to do whatever it takes to win, Katniss would make the perfect leader. Not only is she skilled with weapons, but she is constantly thinking outside of the box, so even if you got stuck in a situation, she would be there to make sure you got out alright.

4. Chaol Westfall from Throne of Glass


I couldn’t not have Chaol on this list. As Captain of the Royal Guard he is a perfect leader, trained in battle and ready to kill when necessary. He is level headed and respected by his peers. If I were to head into battle, this is the man that I would want as a leader. (Also this is exactly how I pictured him to look, great artwork).

5. Farley from Red Queen


Already the leader of the Scarlet Guard, she has the knowledge to lead others and shows no fear when it comes to facing her opponents. She will do whatever it takes to bring down those that oppose her and is one of the toughest around.

6. Natalia Arron from Three Dark Crowns


Leader of the Arron household, the poisoners, she is ruthless and cut-throat. After running the household for many years she is no stranger to taking charge and making things happen. While people may not always agree with her methods, she is able to get what she wants, something that would make her a strong leader.

7. Kell from A Darker Shade Of Magic


While I am still making my way through the first book, it is already clear that Kell would make a great leader. Who wouldn’t want something who can us blood magic to be on their side? It would come in handy in tricky situations! While he likes to bend the rules, it would make for many great adventures.

8. Linh Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles


While she may not be a trained assassin or natural born leader, Cinder has a good heart and is strong-willed, two characteristics that a leader should have. Let’s not forget the fact that she is part cyborg, how cool and badass is that?!

9. Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries


How could I not include the most brooding and twisted vampire from my favourite book-to-TV series? Damon has a dark side that allows him to do whatever he wants, without feeling the guilt. This could come in handy as a leader, especially if there are things to do that those of faint-heart wouldn’t. While he can be reckless at times and likes to take risks, he cares deeply for those he loves.

10. Saba from Blood Red Road


Saba is fierce and doesn’t stand for any nonsense, making her perfect to be a badass leader. She is a warrior and never strays from the task at hand, much more mature than she should be at her age. And when you’ve got the nickname “The Angel of Death” you just know she is a leader that should be feared.

So these are my picks! Who would you choose as your most badass leader?

Review: Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass

Title: Throne of Glass

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Date: August 2nd 2012

Publisher: Bloomsbury

After turning the last page of this book I asked myself one question…Why on earth had I not read this book before now? It has been sat on my shelf for years, gathering dust since I bought it in 2013. For some reason I had put off reading it and then I went through a period of not picking up books at all. Finally I noticed it and made myself promise to read it and I am so glad I did. Fantasy is quickly becoming one of my favourite genres and I’m afraid I’m going to have to buy the rest of the series very soon (apologies to my bank account).

Throne of Glass follows Celaena Sardothien, a deadly assassin who has been locked up in Endovier serving a life sentence, until suddenly she is offered a deal by the Captain of the Guard. If she represents the Crown Prince in a competition to become the King’s Champion, she can have her freedom back. But first she has to win the competition and that will not be an easy feat. All in all there are twenty three contestants, all of whom have been offered the same deal and who would kill for the chance to be free again. Celaena is thrust into a world where politics rule and things are not what they always seem. All she knows is that she has to win, no matter what.

After reading so many amazing reviews of this book, I am happy to say that, for me, it lived up to the hype. I didn’t want to stop reading once I had started. There were so many elements that I loved, the first of which is the world that Maas created. Her writing style made me believe that this Erilea could exist and her descriptions of the castle and the landscapes helped me picture it so vividly. This book was so addictive and I can only imagine that the rest of the series will get better with each book. It took me on an adventure that I didn’t want to end.

I can’t even begin to describe how much I love the character of Celaena. She is everything I want in a female protagonist. She is strong, witty, she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go for it. I saw myself in her at times, making her all the more relatable and more than once I found myself smiling while reading. She may seem hard and cold on the outside, the killer assassin, but she is also kind and charming, more vulnerable than the other characters realise. I was rooting for her the whole way through and I am left wanting to know more.

Celaena wasn’t the only character that I loved. The Captain of the Guard, Chaol, grew to also be one of my favourites, even though he can be a tough nut to crack, you can see that he is caring to the people around him, especially his friend, the Crown Prince, Dorian. I can’t figure out who I prefer, Chaol or Dorian. The latter is definitely not what I expected and isn’t a shallow Prince by any means. He is complicated, not nearly as complicated as Celaena though, and I couldn’t help but love their encounters. All the friendships and relationships in the book seemed genuine and realistic, there was nothing forced about it.

I could go on and on about this book! I have a feeling that more of the world Maas has created will be explored and I am looking forward to seeing where Celaena’s story takes us. An incredible novel that I only wish I had read sooner. It gripped me from the beginning and was simply magical. And with no glaring faults, I think that this is going to be my first 5 star review on this blog!