Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Who Would Make Badass Leaders

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly event hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This weeks topic is in honour of election day in the USA, so it’s time to feature characters that would make great leaders!

This one really got me thinking and I decided to choose the top 10 that I think, due to their badass natures, would make great leaders. These are people that I would willingly follow into anything! A burning building, an epic battle or even into IKEA to go furniture shopping. They are all characters who are tough, strong, witty and don’t let anything faze them.

1. Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass

I couldn’t not have her in my top 10 after recently reading Throne of Glass. Who wouldn’t want an assassin to be on their side? Not only is she skilled in weapons, but she is incredibly witty and you just know you would have a great time with her causing chaos.

2. Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy


One of my favourite characters from one of my favourite series, Rose is a must when it comes to badass leaders. She is a kickass Dhampir who doesn’t put up with those who don’t respect her and she is fierce when it comes to protecting those she loves.

3. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games


This girl needs no introduction at all. Strong, independent and willing to do whatever it takes to win, Katniss would make the perfect leader. Not only is she skilled with weapons, but she is constantly thinking outside of the box, so even if you got stuck in a situation, she would be there to make sure you got out alright.

4. Chaol Westfall from Throne of Glass


I couldn’t not have Chaol on this list. As Captain of the Royal Guard he is a perfect leader, trained in battle and ready to kill when necessary. He is level headed and respected by his peers. If I were to head into battle, this is the man that I would want as a leader. (Also this is exactly how I pictured him to look, great artwork).

5. Farley from Red Queen


Already the leader of the Scarlet Guard, she has the knowledge to lead others and shows no fear when it comes to facing her opponents. She will do whatever it takes to bring down those that oppose her and is one of the toughest around.

6. Natalia Arron from Three Dark Crowns


Leader of the Arron household, the poisoners, she is ruthless and cut-throat. After running the household for many years she is no stranger to taking charge and making things happen. While people may not always agree with her methods, she is able to get what she wants, something that would make her a strong leader.

7. Kell from A Darker Shade Of Magic


While I am still making my way through the first book, it is already clear that Kell would make a great leader. Who wouldn’t want something who can us blood magic to be on their side? It would come in handy in tricky situations! While he likes to bend the rules, it would make for many great adventures.

8. Linh Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles


While she may not be a trained assassin or natural born leader, Cinder has a good heart and is strong-willed, two characteristics that a leader should have. Let’s not forget the fact that she is part cyborg, how cool and badass is that?!

9. Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries


How could I not include the most brooding and twisted vampire from my favourite book-to-TV series? Damon has a dark side that allows him to do whatever he wants, without feeling the guilt. This could come in handy as a leader, especially if there are things to do that those of faint-heart wouldn’t. While he can be reckless at times and likes to take risks, he cares deeply for those he loves.

10. Saba from Blood Red Road


Saba is fierce and doesn’t stand for any nonsense, making her perfect to be a badass leader. She is a warrior and never strays from the task at hand, much more mature than she should be at her age. And when you’ve got the nickname “The Angel of Death” you just know she is a leader that should be feared.

So these are my picks! Who would you choose as your most badass leader?