How I Manage to Write 1,000 Words a Day


There are a lot of authors/writers, some aspiring and some established, who have to work part time or full time to have a regular income. We all know that publishing is never the easiest to navigate when it comes to making money. Sometimes people get very lucky and they are able to live off of just their writing, and some aren’t. There’s nothing wrong with that at all and more people probably do it than you realise.

Whenever I am scrolling through Twitter, I see a lot of people wondering how it’s possible to write every day and how they struggle to write even a hundred words. Whenever I’ve posted about my writing I’ve had people wondering how I manage to write 1,000 words a day, especially when I work full time. My job actually incorporates content writing for websites, as I am a Search Engine Marketing Associate, so I am lucky to love my job. Of course, what I really want to do is to be an author and live off of the books I write.

Until my dream comes true, I have to try and fit my creative writing in my everyday life. I’m going to start by saying that it isn’t easy and sometimes even I fail, although when I do I try to remember that I am only human and I cannot do everything (as much as I would like to). It all comes down to getting in to the habit of sitting down for at least an hour and churning out the thoughts in my head. On average I can write 1,000 words during my lunch break at work because it lasts an hour.

Why my lunch break? It’s the only time where I find myself able to commit to the story and my brain isn’t fried from a day of working. In the evenings I find myself too tired and that, for me, is the worst time to write. It’s different on the weekends because I am fully rested and most times I can write way over my 1,000 word limit (which always makes me happy).

At the end of the day, it is all about dedication. I have to be dedicated if I want to succeed and try to fit in my writing whenever I can. Funnily enough, I actually concentrate better when I’m at work because there’s too many distractions at home. You don’t have to set yourself 1,000 words. It could 700 or even 500, but once you get into the habit it will be so much easier to complete your novel.


I hope you enjoyed my little post and maybe it will help you with your writing ventures. Let me know in the comments about how you manage to find the time to write during your busy lives.