Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday was originally hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish and is now over at Jana’s blog, That Artsy Reader Girl.

I’ve been a little MIA lately, which I will explain about in another blog post, but I have been super excited to write this blog post. There are so many amazing books that I want to read over the next few months. I get really bad hay-fever so I tend to try and stay indoors when the pollen levels are high, which means I get a lot of time for reading.

It wasn’t too difficult to choose which books to put on this list, mainly because they’re all ones I’ve been meaning to read for a while.

1. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas


I’ve been meaning to read this series, but I was so caught up with the Throne of Glass series that I figured it would be best to wait. Well, I only have Tower of Dawn to read, so you can bet that I am starting this. Everyone always says how much they love these books and the characters, so I can’t wait.

2. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

an ember in the ashes

I am seeing this series everywhere, so of course I’m going to want to read it (spoiler: I already bought it on my Kindle). Plus, that cover is gorgeous! I originally wanted to buy it in this version, but I couldn’t find a seller, and I won’t order from the US Amazon because shipping is too high. However, I am really excited to read these books and see what all the hype is about.

3. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


The time has finally come when I can read this series! I am so excited to dive back into this magical world and meet new characters that everyone loves. I have a lot of expectations going into this new series and I hope that they can be met!

4. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

crooked kingdom

I already know what’s going to happen. I’m going to end up enjoying Six of Crows and I’ll just have to dive into the next one. And then I’ll feel sad that I read them so quickly.

5. Furyborn by Claire Legrand


While I haven’t bought this book yet, I definitely will be within the next two months. I have heard some amazing things and people are raving about this book. It is such a unique idea and while I don’t know too much, I can’t wait to be surprised.

6. Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff


I absolutely loved Nevernight. It is one of my favourite reads ever, and the UK paperback for Godsgrave comes out very soon! I will probably read this towards the end of the summer, mainly because the third and final book, Darkdawn, won’t be out until next year. I am definitely looking forward to this one.

7. Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes

immortal reign

How am I already onto the final book? I don’t want this series to end! I love all the characters and each book in the series has hooked me even more than the last. I only finished the fifth one a couple of days ago, so I still have to buy this, but I cannot wait. I have no idea how it will end. I just want Magnus and Cleo to live happily ever after. Please.

8. Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

tower of dawn

Gearing up for the big finale in October! I’m a little sad that this won’t feature all the other characters, as it’s mainly about Chaol, but I’m still looking forward to reading it. Although the blue cover REALLY stands out against the rest, which are all white. Not quite feeling it, but if Kingdom of Ash is dark, it’s alright.

9. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

children of blood and bone

I’ve already read this once, back in March, but I am going to an event at Waterstones to meet the woman herself! I am so excited and figured it would be a good idea to re-read the book so I am prepared for the event. Expect lots of pictures and a long blog post about it all in the beginning of August.

10. A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab

a gathering of shadows

It has been a good few months since I read A Darker Shade of Magic and I am ready to jump back into this world. I’ve heard that the books just get better as they go along, and also that they crush a lot of peoples’ hearts, but I’m gonna ignore that part.


That is all!

What books are you looking forward to reading the most this summer?