Top Ten Tuesday | Things To Do On Halloween

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This is my first time participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly event hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This weeks topic is Halloween Freebie – Happy Halloween! It allows us to be creative with the topic and I decided to choose the top 10 things to do on Halloween!

I am a huge fan of Halloween! While it isn’t really celebrated over here in the UK, it is in Ireland and when I was younger I would always go out trick or treating with my family when I visited.

Without further ado, here are my top 8 things to do on Halloween (I couldn’t think of any more that I would personally do!)

1. Watch my favourite Halloween movies that I loved as a kid

For me, personally, Halloween isn’t complete without watching these films in particular. I’m talking about the one and only (until they do the remake) Hocus Pocus! This is without a doubt my favourite and one that I watch every single year without fail. This year I managed to watch Casper, a film I hadn’t seen in god knows how long! Also, a film that combines my love for Halloween and Christmas, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Always perfect and starts getting me in the mood for more festivities.

3. Light a couple of candles

I have about three candles dotted around my room and I love the atmosphere it creates. Plus, if you can brave a scary movie, it makes it seem more tense watching it in the dark.

3. Get some treats in to snack on


It seems that all the sweets are on offer at this time of year, giving you the perfect excuse to buy a couple and eat throughout the day. I prefer ones that have a mixture in so there is a lot to choose from. Plus, it makes me feel like a kid again because at 21 it is unacceptable to go trick or treating.

4. Buy a pumpkin to put on display


Whether you want to carve a creepy face into one or just place a couple on display throughout the house, a pumpkin is a Halloween staple.

5. Watch a horror…if you dare

Horror is one of my favourite genres to watch and over the years I have become immune to being scared. The only movies that have recently made me feel terrified of walking past my stairs at night is the Conjuring franchise, including the Annabelle Films. These films will be making you wonder if ghosts and demons really do exist on Halloween.

6. Get a bottle of red in


Not only does red wine look like blood, Casillero del Diablo literally means Cellar of the Devil, making it perfect to drink on Halloween.

7. Don’t like wine? Try making some spooky Cocktails


If you prefer to make something a little tastier and a lot more fun then check out some of the many cocktail recipes online. Perfect for if you’re hosting a party as well! I love the recipes that can be found on Delish.

8. Read a scary book

Is there a better time of year to read a Stephen King novel? Pick up one of his many books, cover yourself with a blanket and settle in for the night and pray that you will be able to sleep later on.

I hope you enjoyed reading my top 10! How will you be spending Halloween this year?