Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Hope Santa Brings

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly event hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This weeks topic is all do with Christmas and the books that we hope Santa brings us.

I still can’t believe that Christmas is less than a week away. It came around so quickly and I’m looking forward to finishing work and spending time with my family. As the topic is about books, I’m going to be mentioning the ones that I either want to buy myself with money from my family or guessing which ones my dad has bought me (he got them shipped over to me).

1. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


This book was one that I put on the list to my dad (as well as the second) and I am crossing my fingers that he chose them to give to me. I was tempted to buy this myself a couple of weeks ago when it was on offer, but then I remembered I put it on my list and I didn’t want to risk having two of the same.

2. The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell


Again, another book that was on the list I gave to my dad (he always makes me put down around 6, so I never know what I’m getting). I’ve heard so many great things about this book and as I am loving the fantasy genre at the moment, it would be perfect to read. I know that I would end up buying it myself if I didn’t.

3. The remaining books in the Throne of Glass series


At this moment in time I have the first (you can find my review here), the second and the third and fourth will be delivered to me hopefully tomorrow (as an early gift to myself). So that leaves me needing Empire of Storms and The Assassin’s Blade to complete the main series, as well as Tower Of Dawn. I cannot wait to dive into this series again and I know that if I have them all, I’ll just read them one after the other (and neglect the others on my shelf).

4. Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth


This book has been on my to-buy list for too long and I think it is about time that I get around to buying it. I’ve heard a lot about this book and I’m intrigued, even with the mixed reviews.

5. Caraval by Stephenie Garber


It seems that with this book, you either love it or you hate it. But for me, that was the same with The Night Circus and I ended up loving that book. I want to give this a try because it sounds really interesting, so I’m going to go into it with an open mind if I get it.

6. The Language Of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo


I can’t even describe how badly I want this book. If I get money from my family it will be one of the first I’ll buy. There have been so many amazing reviews floating around on the web and it is definitely my kind of book. If it has beautiful artwork, I’ll take it!

7. This Savage Song by V. E. Schwab


If I’m being honest with myself, I just want all of her books. Each one sounds amazing and incredible! I just had A Gathering Of Shadows get delivered to me so I can carry on that series, but I love her writing so much I just know the others will be incredible, too.

8. Heartless by Marissa Meyer


Once again, another book I have been seeing just about everywhere and there has been nothing but praise. I love a good Wonderland tale and a re-telling of the characters is right up my alley. If Santa could bring me this one then I would be very grateful (or I might just ask my boyfriend).

9. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman


Recently, this book has been popping up everywhere and when I read up on it I realised it was one that I could love. I love when a book is written differently and offers a new perspective for story telling. While Santa may not necessarily bring me this one, I know I will end up buying it soon.

10. Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo


There seems to be a few Leigh Bardugo books on here, but they are all ones I want to get my hands on. I love superheros and books so putting them together is perfect. There has been a lot of reviews floating around and I swear every single one of them says it’s incredible. If only Santa could bring me this, too.


I hope you enjoyed reading about all the books I want Santa to bring me (or for me to buy myself). What are you hoping to receive this Christmas?