Top Ten Tuesday: My Favourite Covers of Books I Own


Top Ten Tuesday was originally hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish and is now over at Jana’s blog, That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks topic was originally about words frequently used in the titles for a certain genre. Unfortunately, I could only come up with a few and instead I’ve decided to do a different topic altogether. As I moved house at the weekend I had a chance to look through all the books I owned (some of which I had forgotten about). So, I have decided to write about my favourite covers of books that I own. I’m not counting NetGalley ones as I technically didn’t buy them and I don’t have them in paper/hardback.

Here are my top ten favourite covers…

1. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

children of blood and bone

This cover is striking and I have to admit, it was what drew me to check out the synopsis. Luckily for me the writing was just as amazing as the cover. I love the contrast of the white hair with the black background and the ombre style writing for the title. I have it in paperback and it has a matte finish, which felt lovely when reading this book.

2. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake


I am specifically talking about the UK version (because let’s face it, they are so much better than the US ones). I LOVE what they did with these covers, having one for each of the sisters. Of course, I had to go for the red one as it’s my favourite colour, but the green is a close second. I would really like to collect the other two (would that be weird) and have the complete set.

3. Embrace by Jessica Shirvington


It has been years since I read this book and I can’t really remember what happened, but this cover is gorgeous! This is the US one in hardback that I bought from the Book Depository and I have always loved it. The colour is gorgeous, the wispy wings made of smoke are perfect and the falling feathers add a nice touch.

4. Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh

reign of the fallen

The first thing I noticed (and adored) about this book when I opened it was the pearlized effect of the pink. It felt so luxurious and tied in perfectly with the jewelled crown and skull. Don’t be fooled by it’s pretty appearance though, because this is a dark book, which only makes it more interesting that the cover is pink. Also, when you take the dust jacket off, the actual hardcover is a pale pink/creamy colour.

5. Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings


While I haven’t gotten around to finishing Zenith yet (I hit a slump with it) I do love the cover, which looks even better on the US hardback. I love how well the colours work together, the stars and the little design on the front. Even the font of the title looks amazing, with the light glistening and shining. I’m still hoping to finish this one day soon.

6. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows


I may not be able to remember much about the story, but I do know that this is one of my favourite hardback books that I own. The cover is incredible, with bright colours and a glossy finish. I’m not a big fan of faces on books, but this was done so well with the butterfly wings and how the image fades around the edges. Gorgeous. Even the sequel covers look just as good, although I never got around to buying them.

7. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Mass

queen of shadows

Out of all of the covers (I own them all) Queen of Shadows is my favourite. I have yet to read it (it’s on my TBR for next month) but there is something about the dark clothing, the maroon cloak and the bright blue behind her that works so well. Plus, she looks like a complete badass, which is only making me more excited to dive back into the series.

8. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare


I have all the old covers for The Mortal Instruments series, as well as the Infernal Devices, but I really do love the new ones that they’ve done (but I can’t justify re-buying them all just for that reason). I love the covers for The Dark Artifices series, but I only own Lady Midnight. Again, another book that has a pearlized cover that shimmers and feels great. I’m hoping to start this one before the year is out (my TBR list is long).

9. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


I love, love, love the covers for this duology and I am dying to read them (next month I will) and I think the colours are great. While it isn’t the most colourful, it stands out with the crow flying and I really like how there are buildings making out the feathers in the wings. Very clever and it makes me even more excited to read it. I still have to read the third book of the Grisha trilogy, but I really want to read Six of Crows…would anything be ruined if I went ahead and started it?

10. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff


Again, another darker cover, but it seems I don’t have a preference. Having read a third of this already I can see why some of the illustrations that make up the raven are there. It is very clever and really eye-catching. The second book also has an amazing cover with a wolf on it, one that I can’t wait to buy. I don’t know what the UK cover for the third will be like, but I can’t wait to find out.


There we have it, my favourite covers that I own. There isn’t really a pattern with them, but they are all unique and different.

What is your favourite cover of a book?

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Really Liked But Can’t Remember Much About


Top Ten Tuesday was originally hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish and is now over at Jana’s blog, That Artsy Reader Girl.

For this weeks topic I had to head over to Goodreads and consult the list that shows all the books I read years ago. There were so many four and five stars reviews and I honestly cannot remember much of the plot or the characters. I suppose when you’re reading 2 books a week you can only retain so much information.

1. The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

the goddess test

This was when I was going through my mythology phase and I was obsessed with books like this. Unfortunately I hardly remember anything about this book, even though I rated it five stars. I can’t even recall much about the characters and I read the two books afterwards as well. Although, it does make me want to write my own mythology book…There’s an idea.

2. Cinder by Marissa Meyer


I only ever read the first book in this series and it is one that I want to get around to finishing, but I would have to re-read Cinder as I can’t remember a thing. I raved about it in my review and I vaguely remember some small details.

3. Embrace by Jessica Shirvington


I only ever read the first book, although I do have the second one sitting on my shelf as well. This was a time when I was really into books about angels and I loved this. I couldn’t tell you anything about it now, but at the time I raved about it. Especially the gorgeous covers!

4. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

anna dressed in blood

The first book I read by Kendare Blake and I remember loving the fact that it was from the POV of a guy. I had never read that before and it was different, but enjoyable. Although I don’t remember what happens in this book or the sequel. I think there was a bit of action and a horror element to it, but that’s all.

5. Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Well, I adored this book when I read it and it was mainly to do with Daemon. I obviously had a thing for the bad boys (still do in some ways) and it was unique to have a book about aliens. The details are very murky and I can’t remember a lot, but I remember there being action, drama and some hot love scenes.

6. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

the night circus

I was entranced by this book and I remember loving it, even when others didn’t. I would love to re-read this book, but I would be scared of it changing my mind on it. I like the memories of loving this book and how complex it seemed at the time. Maybe one day I will.

7. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Well, I can’t remember a single thing about this book. Nothing. And it’s so strange because, judging from my review, I was blown away by this book. If I didn’t read the synopsis I couldn’t even tell you how this book starts. I never read the others afterwards, but I think that’s because I started drifting away from contemporary novels.

8. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa

the immortal rules

You’ve gotta love a book about Vampires. Ever since Twilight came out it seemed that everyone became obsessed with them, but I remember that Julie Kagawa had a different take on them. I can’t remember a lot, and I know I want to re-read this again, but I gave it five stars so it must have been good.

9. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

shatter me

I remember waiting for this book to come out and being so excited about it’s release. I couldn’t wait for it to come out in the UK so I bought the US edition and I loved it. I don’t remember much, I know the basics from the blurb and that is about it. I never read the others though, although I’m not sure why I didn’t considering how much I loved the first. I don’t think I will get around to reading the series now.

10.  Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

hush hush

Oh boy, did I love this book when I read it. I think it had something to do with the really hot angel called Patch. He was the dark, dangerous bad guy and I remember drawing him in an anime style when I was at school (I’m cringing at the memory). I don’t remember much though. I think there’s a part with a roller coaster and another when they are trapped in the school. Either way, I rated this book five stars and I obviously enjoyed it.


So, that is my top ten. It was fun getting to look through my old reviews (and cringing a little at the way I used to write them). I was surprised by how many I couldn’t actually remember and it was hard to choose ten. I probably could have chosen more!

What books would be on your list?