WWW Wednesday – Fantastical Worlds

WWW Wednesday was originally hosted by A Daily Rhythm, and was taken over by Taking on a World of Words.

Considering I read two books last week I have been taking it a lot slower this week, mainly because I have been super busy with some personal stuff. I guess I can talk about it because it will actually be happening, but I am moving house at the end of April. My boyfriend and I just got accepted to rent a property that we really wanted and I am so excited! It’s gonna be a little stressful because we have to buy all the furniture but I am looking forward to it!

Apart from that, I’m also making my way through the working week. For our birthdays we get a gift day from work and if it falls on the weekend (like mine does this year) then we can take it either on the Friday or the Monday. I chose Friday obviously, so I can’t wait to get tomorrow out of the way.

Now to talk about books!

What Are You Currently Reading?

siege and storm

I’m still reading Siege and Storm, but I am 70% of the way through and I have a feeling I will be finishing it tomorrow. I love this world, the story and its characters. We’ve been introduced to a few new ones (I love Nikolai, he’s amazing) and I find myself smiling at the dialogue and enjoying where the story is going. I feel like there’s going to be some twists and I can’t wait to finish off the trilogy.

What Did You Recently Finish Reading?

shadow and bone

The last book I finished reading was Shadow and Bone, which was just over a week ago and you can find my review here. I can see why so many people love this series because it’s amazing and Bardugo’s writing is mesmerising.

What Do You Think You’ll Read Next?

children of blood and bone

After doing my Top Ten Tuesday post on the books I want to read in Spring, it was very difficult to choose. However, I have settled on the debut novel that everyone seems to be talking about and one that debuted in the top spot on the NYT bestseller list. I can’t wait to dive into it!


What are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments!

5 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday – Fantastical Worlds

  1. Congratulations on the house and good luck with all the moving! It is massively stressful (we’re doing it at the mo too) but it’ll be worth it in the end! 🙂 I need to read this trilogy it’s been on my TBR for ages.

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