Top Ten Tuesday: My Bookish Resolutions For 2018


Top Ten Tuesday was originally hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish and is now over at Jana’s blog, That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks topic is about what our book resolutions and goals for 2018 are. When I saw what the top ten was for this week, I was excited because I have a few resolutions in mind. 2017 was the year that I got back into reading after about 3 years of not reading any books (or at least, a few each year). Life gets in the way and I was so busy travelling and working that I didn’t have the time. Now that my love of reading is back with a vengeance (I need another bookcase), it’s time to write down some resolutions.

1. Read at least one book a week

My goal on Goodreads is to read 50 books in 2018, so I am aiming to read at least one a week. So far I have been successful in doing that, but then again, we are only a couple of weeks into the new year. My plan is to read one hardback/paperback book and one on Kindle every week so that I can get through my TBR pile (ARCs from Netgalley are my main Kindle reads at the moment).

2. Try and stick to my monthly TBR list as much as possible

I already have a lot of books on my shelf that I want to read (some I have owned for a while), but there are always new books coming out. This year I am going to try and set myself a mixture of old and new books to read each month. As long as I read the main ones I have succeeded (any extra books I squeeze in is a bonus).

3. Spend no more than £30 a month on books

This one…I’m not sure if I can stick to this one, but I’m going to try. Money seems to do this thing where it burns a hole in my pocket and I always want to spend it on books. But with £30 I should be able to get at least 5 books if they are all around £6 and with cheap deals on Book Depository and the Kindle store, I’m sure that is more than doable. Plus, I bought way too many books over December and January (already) so I better get reading.

4. Avoid distractions while reading

We probably all spend too much time on our phones (looking at you twitter) and when I think about it, that time could be better spent reading. While it’s nice to keep up with the world, I would rather be immersed in a brand new world. Who agrees? Plus, I’ll be able to get through books a lot quicker.

5. Try reading genres that I normally don’t go near

This year is a year for trying out new things and I’ve noticed there are definitely some genres that I don’t give attention to. At the moment I am loving Young Adult Fantasy and Adult Fantasy (mainly because I, myself, am writing a Fantasy novel) and I want to branch out. Sci-fi is one that I don’t read often so I am going to give that one a go, as well as the horror and thriller genre.

6. Make sure I read all my NetGalley approvals first

NetGalley is incredible. You get the opportunity to read books from new (sometimes established) authors before everyone else does (as long as you’re approved). Lately, every book I have requested has been approved and it is amazing. I just have to make sure that I read them first before anything else. This is where it comes in handy that I am reading two at the same time. Fingers crossed I can keep this one going all year long!

7. Buy a new bookcase

So, this one kind of counts as a resolution. My current bookcase is looking a little worn out (the back is coming apart) so first of all I need to replace it…and then I need to buy another because it is literally full to the brim. I used to have 3 bookcases when I was younger and while it may take me a while to get there again, I can guarantee that it will happen.

8. Carry on writing 1,000 words a day

The last few on this list will be for my own book as that is just as important as reading. I have set myself the goal of writing at least 1,000 words a day and for the last two weeks I have successfully stuck to it. And if there were ever any days where I didn’t write (like this weekend that just went) I made up for it on the next day. So far it is working really well and I have surpassed the 60,000 words mark.

9. Finish writing the first draft of my novel by the end of April

Ideally I would love to have finished it before my birthday, which is the 24th of March, but I don’t think that it will happen. I mean, it could try, but it’s very unlikely at the moment. There is still so much that I want to write and I am one of these people that writes a rough synopsis, but then trails away from it and then I have to just wing it. I love that though because then my story surprises me as well. I just want to get to my plot twist because it’s so good!

10. Never give up on my dreams

It’s tough not to doubt yourself, your abilities and the story you want to tell. Especially when there are so many incredible books out there in the world. I feel it sometimes. I read something that is mindbogglingly good and I get a little sad thinking that I will never write like that. But of course I won’t. Because I have my own voice and I can’t be afraid of going for my dream. I have spent the last few years of my life writing content for various media companies, why can’t I write novels for a living too?


I hope you enjoyed reading my top ten (and all the gifs too). What goals or resolutions are you wanting to set yourself this year when it comes to reading and writing?

16 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Bookish Resolutions For 2018

  1. I have way too many unread books, so I made a list of 124 books that I really want to read (my unread pile is pretty much at 500 books UGH) and I made sure that almost all the books are 2016 or earlier. I did ad several 2017 releases, but I tried to stick with the books that I’ve had for a really long time.

    My phone is my biggest distraction when I am reading. Sometimes I have to turn it off or put it in an entirely different room than me and try so hard not to go get it.

    GOOD LUCK! These are all really great resolutions to have.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Are you looking into YA Sci-Fi or more serious, gritty hard sci-fi?
    Have you read Cinder by Marissa Meyer? It’s a magical, futuristic sci fi that may not stray too far from fantasy but still introduce you to Sci-Fi. There’s actually plenty of Fantasy/Sci-Fi mash ups if you still want to stick close to that magical feeling, like Empress of a Thousand Skies.

    Excellent post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think to start of I would prefer the YA kind. I read Cinder years and years ago and I did enjoy it, I just never read the rest of the series 🙂 I’ll definitely have to do a little digging and find the good ones!



    ❤ ❤ ❤

    Congratulations on hitting your writing goals the last couple weeks. 🙂 I hope you're able to finish your manuscript and are really happy with it. 🙂 Do you have a goal to start querying?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, it’s such a great feeling when I do 🙂 I’m really enjoying and I’ve got a few changes in mind so hopefully it will mould into the perfect book! Not yet, I’m still researching as I don’t know much about querying 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Awesome list, good luck with the writing, its fantastic that you are smashing through it and such a great pace. I’m doing a few similar things to you this year. I’m a fantasy reader but I want to get into Sci-fi a bit more and I would love if 3/4 of my reads this year came from books already on my shelves. I have kind of shot myself in the foot with that one already by signing up to NetGalley. Whoops, and requesting is weirdly addictive and I have been approved for way more than I expected. Happy reading 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good luck with all your goals! It’s interesting to see you limiting your budget on how much you can spend on a month… I used to do that too but with the number of books I buy per year. Seems like not many bloggers do that! Anyways, hope you reach them all 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Good luck saving up, then! Of course there are tons of ways to read other than spending so much money on hardbacks. You just have a lot of self control, which is the tricky part 😉

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