Wrapping Up The Week (1st January – 7th January)

So, how many times has everyone written 2017 and needed to change it to 2018? It’s crazy to think that it’s the beginning of the new year and I am super excited for all that it will hold. I’ve already got a holiday planned for me and my boyfriend to go to Carcassonne in France for 4 nights in May (I cannot wait)! As well as this we’ll probably be going back to Ireland in the summer for a long weekend, too.

This week flew by! The first half was spent in Ireland and the second was heading back into work and trying to rest up over the weekend. I needed the down time from all the activities we did when we visited my family in Ireland. It’s never fun getting back to reality but sometimes we need it. The plus side, I had a pretty productive week when it came to blogging and getting back into my writing after a break from it.

Books I read and reviewed…


The first book I read in 2018 is Keeper by Kim Chance, which I received from Netgalley. I ended up really enjoying this book. It was fun, lighthearted and entertaining, everything I look for in YA novels like this one (the paranormal kind). It reminded me of the books I read when I was about 16 years old and while there were a few tropes thrown in, I couldn’t help but like it. You can check out my full review here.

I am currently reading…


After finishing Crown of Midnight just before I went away to Ireland, I was itching to get my hands on Heir of Fire and now I have. I’ve read about 25% of it within a couple of days and am hoping to finish it by about Wednesday or Thursday if I can. I didn’t realise just how big the books get as the series progresses (with the fourth book being over 600 pages!).

Posts from the week…

Day Out In Dublin & An Irish Wedding

Wrapping Up December & Setting Goals For 2018

December Book Haul (So Many Books)

My January TBR Pile

All in all, I managed to blog quite a bit this week and I’m really happy with that. My goal for 2018 is to blog at least 3 times a week (which doesn’t include reviews) so I’m off to a great start.

Other Fun Stuff…

While I was away in Ireland we got around to seeing two movies in the cinema, the first being…


The Last Jedi! Did I enjoy the film? Hell yeah! Was it as good as The Force Awakens? In my opinion, no it wasn’t and there are many reasons for that. I re-watched TFA just before we went to see the new one in the cinema and it reminded me of how much I loved it and The Last Jedi just fell a little flat for me. I felt that it was dragged out in some areas and unrealistic in others (Leia…that’s all I’m saying on the matter). But I loved the action and the ending, so overall it was great!


The second film we saw was Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle and let me start by saying that this film was hilarious. I was laughing out loud (the whole cinema was) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would even go as far as to say that I loved it more than the original (don’t shout at me). My favourite character by far was the one played by Jack Black, he definitely captured the essence of how a teenage girl acts. It was brilliant and I would watch it again in the future.

While I was away my writing took a bit of a back seat and I hardly wrote anything (and I was having too much fun with my family). However, I’m now getting back to normal and this weekend I wrote a few thousand words which I’m happy with. Not only that, but I got past the chapter I was struggling on, so all is good.


Hopefully the first week of 2018 was a great one for you all and that it carries on that way!

7 thoughts on “Wrapping Up The Week (1st January – 7th January)

  1. I saw The Last Jedi this weekend as well and also really enjoyed it. There’s been a lot of negative energy about it in online communities, so I’m glad to hear you really liked it as well. 😊

    I’m also glad you liked Keeper! I think that was the first book I requested on Netgalley and while I was denied (boo) I’m glad to see reviews out there. It looked super fun and interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I heard about all the negativity but overall I really enjoyed it 🙂 I remember getting declined on my first request, once you get one they just keep on coming! Hopefully you get the chance to read it when it gets released at the end of the month.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. From this post I gather that you work full time, travel frequently, blog regularly, read and review books at an alarming speed, and write? I bow down to and now aspire to be like you! Balancing it all is something I’m really trying to work on. My blog took a major back seat last year when I was suddenly struck with a novel idea mid year. I got my rough draft done but my reading slacked, my blogging slacked, and my house got really messy!
    Looking forward to following you and picking up some pointers this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This comment really made me smile, thank you! I work full time as a Search Engine Marketing Associate, so it’s difficult at times (especially when I’m tired) but I try my best 🙂 I hope that you have a great 2018!

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